'98 Sunn Bmix Rasta Custom Build

Fantastic, can't remember seeing a better rasta or a better choice of bike for it, the daddy of cool right there :cool:
:cool: Out of my price range, unfortunately, but have a free bump for a Lovely Bmix. Great work on the resto.
It's a beautifully built bike and the custom paint is very nice, but I can't see it making anywhere near the asking price. BMX/jump bikes seem to sell for much less than the mountain/road bikes compared to the original price or build cost.
Thanks for the compliments, nice of ya all :)

As for the asking price, I'm already making a substantial loss on the build cost/original price of all the components. I've gotta start somewhere and you can't really blame me not wanting to immediately post it for peanuts?

Bikes are rarely worth the sum of their parts - thats why they are inevitably split. If getting your money back is a concern then splitting looks like the best option. Its a shame as its a great build with a lovely paint job on frame / forks / bars / cranks. Unfortunately brown is not to everyone's taste.

If I was you I keep it and enjoy it!
Agreed a very nice example but as you are finding out, the price and limited market will probably see it with you for a while

as to the price for postage, lets be honest no one in here is likely to buy it so more than likely on ebay if a buyer wants it then they won't worry about the postage price.

It is a nice example and I hope your sale goes well

have you tried the 98 section?
Thanks for letting me know you think it's too expensive. But I'd rather end up keeping it instead of regretting for ever more that I sold it for a really low price. It's cost me a lot in time, research and money. I also love this bike to bits and love riding it. It's just unfortunate that it spends most of it's time sitting in the cupboard and things are a bit tight financially at the moment, which has led me to try selling it. If I end up having a few tries at selling it and don't have any success I'm happy with that. I just want to have a go at selling it for a good price while I'm a bit hard up, if no one bites then I get to keep my bike, so either way I'm happy!

Most definitely not going to split either :)

Thanks for the tip on the '98 section, but going to leave it with the postings I've already got on Retrobike and just see what happens :)
It is difficult sometimes when you need a bit of cash - a bike is a quick thing to sell and normally gets a decent amount of money. But if its something unusual or custom it's awful that you can't get back what you paid for it. I think you can normally completely write off the price of any paintwork - you never get it back and if its different from standard, no matter how nice, it normally fetches LESS than if the bike had its original paint.

I think if you can get by without selling it it would be the best idea. You're only going to regret selling it as it is obviously a labour of love - and getting way less than you really want would only make the regret even worse. :-(