'98 GT Lobo v 2012 GT Fury

benbonty":3vw63c0o said:
MikeD":3vw63c0o said:
Does anyone seriously believe that the old bike is better than the new one in any meaningful way?

As for the Doddy bashing, the guy's a true enthusiast -- if it wasn't for him you wouldn't be seeing that Lobo in MBUK at all...

I have to agree here, it's all well and good that we appreciate the older stuff and keep it alive, but putting it on a pedestal and slating anyone who dares to suggest that it has been improved upon is totally unproductive and rather unrealistic. :D

Here here.

First off, There is no such thing as Taiwanese crap these days.

And the Lobo, I knew well, rode & raced one back in the day .. The I-drive platform is far better, the new design much stiffer, and the manor in which it uses its travel, compared to the Lobo, far better. I think this is a case of nostalgia vs cynicism vs not liking certain magazines!

Also, completely forgotten by everybody, including MBUK, was the single most important element and difference between the two bikes, shock technology. A fun comparison would be to swap the shocks over on the bikes & see how they then rode. (but you couldn't do that, I know, just saying!)

MBUK is a good magazine, however I don't read it anymore. Its spot-on for young lads (& newbies) who don't know the difference from a front mech to a 661 knee pad..

I remember reading it cover to cover, but nowadays the sport has progressed so much, we are lucky to have Dirt, Singletrack ect. to read. Don't slate what you loved because it still appeals to the younger generation & not us anymore !
Thought the Lobo held it's own pretty well (in the vid, not read the mag), as mentioned above I'd be very interested to see a comparison using matched shocks as that's where I think the major differences will lie...
Was it just me or did the Lobo appear to go round the fast bend smoother that the modern GT that to me seemed to readjust his line :?
Noticed it in the first run then it was really pronounced when the pair of them went round together.
I kind of had to laugh at this MBUK thing and I usually lurk rather than post

The lobo for its time was a great bike (I worked at gt when it was born) in fact it was only bettered really by Sunn

if I was were to set about designing a modern bike for downhill a pull shock would be very high on the list
compositepro":8s4hq6fg said:
I kind of had to laugh at this MBUK thing and I usually lurk rather than post

The lobo for its time was a great bike (I worked at gt when it was born) in fact it was only bettered really by Sunn

if I was were to set about designing a modern bike for downhill a pull shock would be very high on the list

Interesting :)

I loved the Lobo I rode (borrowed!) However to design a modern bike with a pull shock would be a nightmare ... because nobody makes em' unless you did what Brent Foes based his designs on, the shock first then the bike! but you'd still have to make your own shock, like Brent, well Carnutt did/do.