'97 Kona Cable Routing


Dirt Disciple
Just acquired a '97 Lava Dome frame to build up and I'm really puzzled by the rear deraileur cable routing. it seems to cross over the down tube on its way down, from a hanger on the left at the top to the right side of the cable guide under the BB. As it goes its rubbing on the underside of the tube all the way down. Surely Kona didn't intend this did they? If so it seems really bizarre, or maybe I'm just missing something. Any (helpful) suggestions greatly appreciated.
I have had a 97 Kilauea since 1998 and I have no marks from the cable crossing the downtube.

Prior to 1997, Kona produced bikes with both cables going down the down tube and I always route the cables so that they cross as they go down the down tube. You no doubt think I'm mad?

Maybe you're right. But I have bought many Konas, and other bikes, that have really unsightly damage on the head tube, with large areas of paint rubbed off. This is caused by owners routing the rear mech cable down the right hand side of the dt, so that the cable rubs on the head tube. Matched by the damage of the other side by routing the fm cable down the left side. I route the rear mech cable down the left so that the curvature of the outer carries it away from the head tube and it never touches the head tube.

Consequently my 97 Kilauea has no unsightly damage to the head tube. Nor does it have any on the down tube. Doesn't prove that I'm not mad of course, but I think it is evidence that Kona did the right thing.
My '97 Cinder Cone (identical frame to Lava Dome) has top tube cable routing for the front mech. Rear mech has down tube routing.

Are you sure your frame is a '97 model, I suspect it could be older?.
mikesnowdon":25w1zf4s said:
My '97 Cinder Cone (identical frame to Lava Dome) has top tube cable routing for the front mech. Rear mech has down tube routing.

Are you sure your frame is a '97 model, I suspect it could be older?.
Well he only states the rear mech and never mentions a front mech.

But afaik my Explofif '97 does the same. Nowt to fret to much about, I'm sure the road chips will do more damage.
Also taken a look at my pal's Cinder Cone which is the same year (definitely '97 bikes as I've checked the Kona catalogue). Same routing and in his case the cable has actually chafed through the paintwork halfway down the down tube. Looking carefully at the Cinder Cone, the down tube is welded in a lower position on the BB casing so the cable follows a curved path round it!. Don't know if this is just bad quality control or a difference between the 18" and 19" frames. Anyway, I've managed to get a bit of clearance between the cable and the down tube by packing between the cable guide and the BB so problem partially solved.
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