84 Fat Chance box crown

I did strip the paint off of the bars to show the chrome plating as Lucidone suggested, in first pic then I found a stem with 21.1mm quill (not many of these around) and put that on with a set of silver bars, only flats I have left in spares. I'm leaning towards Bullmoose bars sprayed black so may end up quickly media blasting so the paint will adhere better.


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I think they look fine chrome, they tie in nicely with the seat post lever for a start!

By the time you’ve fitted black grips and brake levers, they’ll look great! 😎
Great job stripping the bullmoose bars!
Just thinking as it's hard to go back if you blast them, could you rattle-can them in black with no prep just to see how they look - if you like it, you're going to blast them anyhow, if you found a love for the chrome it's an easy job to polish the black off?

Either will look great - fantastic project!
I did return the chrome bars back to the bike and have installed shifters, levers and grips with some cables fully attached, much to my surprise, it looks fine with all of the other shiny silver bits on the bike. I think of chrome pieces as something on less appreciated bikes and not for top level. These will stay on the bike as is until an anodized black set make their way to me, could be a long haul for that but I'm patient...


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Black/red/chrome/aluminium all work well as a palette.

I can certainly see the attraction and draw of a black bullmouse combo, but it still works really well as chrome. This means you can get it built up sooner rather than later which means you'll get to ride it sooner! :cool:
I found the spindle from a guy I trade with so installed. Not exactly what I wanted but works perfectly. This part was the last part to finish the bike less the stickers. Sooo, what sticker kit do I need? I'm leaning towards the originals but being 2 years in, not sure.


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