40’s Schwinn DX klunker Build?

Curious where this build will take you. Lots of stuff I don´t know nothing about but find it absolutely fascinating. One thread on here that inspired me was this one about a "catalogue" Klunker build:

This is unbelievable 😲
That's some very cool hardware. Hub spacing will be different on at least the rear hub. The derailleur hub will be much wider, but you could cold set the frame and make it fit.
That's some very cool hardware. Hub spacing will be different on at least the rear hub. The derailleur hub will be much wider, but you could cold set the frame and make it fit.
Yes that's my thoughts. Likely 135mm spacing for it but front and rear drums with gears is what I was hoping for. I.ve seen guys use threaded rod with nuts inside the drops to push them out.
There are a couple of methods. Just remember when you spread it to go beyond the required width as the frame will spring back
St Sheldon comes through once again

Can´t help with the above hubs, but they look a bit like cheap 80ies items?

Not sure how far you want to take this build though. As @Nabeaquam said, at least for the front hubs vintage Sturmey Archer drum brakes are a decent copy of the unobtanium Union hubs. They were widely used on dutch bikes.

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