Wanted 4-speed freewheel

This is complete speculation, but looking at pictures of 4 spd vs 5, it looks like the same freewheel with an extra cog. Might it be possible to hack a 5 speed (plentiful) back to 4?
Or indeed just put on a 5 speed one - is it a purist build?
This is complete speculation, but looking at pictures of 4 spd vs 5, it looks like the same freewheel with an extra cog. Might it be possible to hack a 5 speed (plentiful) back to 4?
Or indeed just put on a 5 speed one - is it a purist build?
Thanks for your reply. Not a purist build but for some reason a 5sp freewheel wouldn't go on, according to our mechanic. The original 4sp we had to remove with a vice as it was seized on
Regina freewheels of that design could be set up as either 4, 5 or 6 speed depending on the style of sprockets in the 4 and/or 5 position as the 5th screwed into the 4th and the 6th into a different design 5th.
Simplest solution would be a 5 speed with the 5th sprocket removed although the 4th sprocket would be a bit wider than that of a true 4-speed. Nothing that a few minutes work on a grinding wheel wouldn't solve. If you really want it to look right, you could replace the 4th sprocket with one of the correct design but I've no idea where you'd be able to find one.
If it was just the freewheel body that was wrecked, the old sprockets could be swapped over to a replacement.
edit: mind you, you'd need to know how the sprockets fit on the freewheel body AND know the techniques required to remove them - especially if you haven't got access to a vintage freewheel vice.
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