custom 1970s 5 speed Raleigh FOR SALE

Dead Rats":1i52f42k said:
Yes I've seen that bike in the flesh (after I had this one sprayed I might add!) 'tis lovely - pricey though IIRC! I also love what they've done with the handlebar bike hanger too!

Yes - £800 I think! I sort of jumped involuntarily when I saw the price tag :oops:

That Svelto looks great - they are a lovely looking mech, particularly with the red jockey wheels.
otherself":1gnssos8 said:
Nice little job you done there. How much did it set you back?

reluctant to tell as I have to sell it now :lol: a LOT more than I'd planned (as ever it seems!) and I'll be lucky to get all my money back, let alone time & labour!
retrowagen1234":682sdelf said:
Bloody hell that turned out amazing!!

Not at all what i expected when i started reading... 8)

thanks! I chucked the bars in with the frame as an experiment and really like the way it looks with them on :)