26" Tan/Amber Wall Tires?

Ever since finding a set of Vittoria Spinx in 2.0 width a few weeks ago I've been on the hunt for something similar, they're like hens teeth so far. I may end up getting another set of Smoke/Darts, it's great at least one manufacturer has not abandoned us, so far I'm not that keen on many modern offerings, too tall tan wall or crazy expensive or both. I feel fortunate to have found the Vittorias, good timing, about $45 each CAD after taxes/shipping and just under or just over 600g, best of all they look fantastic.

Wanting to keep my old MegaBites in rotation I decided to try another refurb idea @Dr Dremel, your plasti dip idea looks like it may do the trick but wanted to try a different approach.

The side walls are fully in tact. Just the outer coating is less there. Yesterday I rubbed in and coated the side walls with Dubbin :eek:

I know it's meant for leather or even pleather but it's intended use it to moisten and protect so, why not try?

The dry side walls seemed to absorb the Dubbin, it's kind of an orange tint so that's a good thing. Darkens them a bit but not in a bad way. I'll assume I can keep applying it taking care to maintain a dry rim breaking surface.

I'm thinking it may be a viable option, we'll see after a few rides, the black rubber received a healthy rub of ArmourAll as well
Interesting to see how the Dubbin fairs. Will your sidewalls have enhanced mud-shedding abilities?! 😜 can’t be a bad thing to do and guess it will also protect them staining from brake/rim dust/sludge depending on the weather.
If it works, You could turn this into a business opportunity, buy a job lot of very small lip balm style tins and a ton of Dubbin and repack it into the tins along with some cool branding such as sidewallSAVER and sell on eBay at stupid prices to us retrogrouches! Job done! 🤣

Only saying this as I had to service/rebuild some old Rockshox’s (mid 2000’s) for a friend so needed a rebuilt kit and after a lot of searching eBay was the only answer and the SRAM fork butter or whatever it was called that came with the kit was in a teeny tiny lip balm tin! Less is clearly more in this day and age! 😳🤣
I'm considering the Maxxis Ikon 26X2.2 with Tan wall. Not inexpensive (just under $100CAD each all in) or very light (675g) but I like the look, a little on the big side and taller than ideal side walls.

They look not too bad on this vintage Cannondale:


Interesting bottle cage under the DT...
Ps. Ive " reached out" (i think thats the correct BS phraseology) twice to Panaracer about the complete lack of skin wall 26" smoke tyres in the uk.....including on their own website.....

No reply....no date for more....nothing.....nada...

Brilliant customer service........😂
I noticed yesterday Panaracer’s website was sold out as well. I’d be going American eBay when I order next where they seem to have a few.

I think the Maxxis will fit in the frame I want tires for but still on the fence whether they just LOOK too big for my early 90s Cannondale or Klein.

Probably gonna be Smoke/Darts
Here's the aforementioned Rene Herse Humptulips Ridge in 26"x2.30 on a '95 Hei Hei. I waited over 2 years for GravelKings to come back in stock at my LBS, and when nothing came around I grabbed these and I really like them.. at that price I'd better be!

There was a thread some time ago covering the longevity / value of the CurioUK Lucky stone tyres, which was quite positive.

I fit them on most of the bikes I do at the moment only as they are cheap and look quite good I am up to about 30+ bikes now so I cannot put the extra cost for high end tyres on each bike.The tyres seem to wear ok and the grip is good but then I don't do anything too extreme. Tyres fitted on my shopping / pub /taking the dog out bike


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