2011 projects

Build the San Andreas up, re-build my old Lavadome, and decide whether to keep the Cannondale. Actually riding them more would be good too...
Raven should be done by Christmas but may not get it's first ride out until the new year.

Hopefully getting my San Andreas back this week so can hopefully start building that in the coming weeks.

Start planning what to do with the Clark Kent ti frame that arrived this week :cool:

Finally get my P7 out the garage, strip it down, clean everything and put it all back together.

That should keep me busy for a while :D
the blue Pioneer and the Harry Quinn should keep me going until the first week of January, then after that its anyones guess.
1. Ride more!

2. Saracen Maxtrax build. Trying to keep as retro as poss - most parts bought from here or evil bay, but still awaiting delivery of most- as soon as we get 2 days of snow Royal Mail goes to s**t!

Looking forward to it coming together (frame is stunning - thanks durango), but it may necessitate the sale of my gorgeous ltd edition Clockwork. (brocklander has first dibs!)
As others have said - ride more. :)

But in the man-cave and in no particular order...
* Finish collecting parts and build up the pearlescent Explosif
* Rebuild the Cindercone
* Decide what to do with the AA - re-spray or leave as is...and then do it
I have a few plans for 2011,

1> Join a retrobike ride somewhere, anywhere, and put some faces and names to avatars.

2> Complete the Overburys I have just started.

3> Get more than 3 votes in a BOTM competition. :LOL:

4> Give some attention to my 2005 Orange 5 that badly needs striping and servicing!

(any more bikes will mean losing one or more somewhere and I am not ready to do that yet, orders from the wife)

I've just bought a 2001 Kona Cinder Cone frame to build up in 2011. Plan is to do a light-weight cross-country build which I can do a few races on during the year :cool: