1999/2000 Marin East Peak / Shoreline Trail


Dirt Disciple

Out for an installation ride this morning. Not exactly issue free. Still, most of the bike is working well.

The front ‘triangle’ is from a 2000 Shoreline Trail and the swingarm is from a 1999 East Peak.

I need to swap the bars for something with a bit of rise, re-do some cables, do the gears again (made a proper horlicks of that), etc.
I love a good mix and match with some bold colours. I live vicariously through people that dare to not just go black and silver 😆

Fingers crossed you'll get out on it and be able to take some glamour shots in the wild. Dunno where abouts you are, but if UK I'm gonna assume you'll be getting decent summer weather for the next few days like us here in DK.

Is it a rattle can job?
Powder coated at a place nearby.
I really like the black and silver Mount Vision by hawkhill97. Obviously, I couldn't build one that looked the same. I nearly went barbie blue and pink :)

I'm southern England. Right in the middle. It's just turned hot. I really want to get out at the weekend. Life keeps getting in the way.

Definitely more pics to follow. There won't be any mountains but some of it's quite pretty all the same.
Powder coated at a place nearby.
I really like the black and silver Mount Vision by hawkhill97. Obviously, I couldn't build one that looked the same. I nearly went barbie blue and pink :)

I'm southern England. Right in the middle. It's just turned hot. I really want to get out at the weekend. Life keeps getting in the way.

Definitely more pics to follow. There won't be any mountains but some of it's quite pretty all the same.
Powder coating is so costly over here so I've never bothered. Did fancy getting it done for a few frames, and guess what colour I'd pick... baby pink! I'm a huge fan of pink. So barbie blue and pink would have gotten my vote 😄

Hawkhills build there is very classy. Yours has that late 80s early 90s experimentation of colours going on though, funky in a very good way.

No mountains here either, so probably for the best... wouldn't want to get altitude sickness from the pics shared. But sounds like I'll be safe 🤞
I was surprised by the powder coating price. It was £80. Including media-blasting (it’s not sand blasting apparently but little bits of glass). There weren’t many options. It was solid colours or solid colours. Metallic would have involved buying a whole pallet of metallic paint and cost me a fortune. I think their main business is industrial stuff. The boss said he was powder coating 120 miles of hand rail for a big rail project. Anyway, it’s come out quite well.

My Giant NRS is stark white. Perhaps that can be pink and blue one day. With yellow stickers.
I like it!

What dropper post are you using - did you manage to find a 30.0mm one, or is it a 27.2mm with a shim? Or were you brave enough to ream out the seat tube to take a 30.9mm dropper post?

They are such good bikes, hope you enjoy yours as much as I do mine :)
It's a 27.2 without a shim. Well, that's the size of the dropper post. It was a very tight fit!
My neighbour (who owns a dremel) and I spent some time trying to make it slightly less tight.
Now I've had a bit of a google and I'm wondering if the frame was made for a 27.0 rather than a 27.2.

Anyway, it's a Brand X and there's definitely a bit of wiggle to it. Appropriate as I got it for not very much in the dying days of Wiggle/CRC. I got the 30.9 version for my Giant NRS for £25!

Hopefully I can get out on it tomorrow evening.