1995 Stumpjumper project

Re: 1993 Stumpjumper project

aaaa OK this is even better! I will try this on some other saddles I have.

Thought it was time for a bit of an update :)

She's almost there, it's been almost impossible to find a 28.6 bp M565/566 front mech (compact) so i had to settle for a 31.8 one. I just need to sort a 28.6 to 31.8 shim.

I have applied the decals as supplied by Gil which are brilliant as usual.
I managed to find some "mushroom" style grips in the exact grey of the paintwork. They are from the BMX market so longer than usual but were easy to cut down and came with matching bar end plugs.
The Profile bar ends could do with a refurb but are matt black and the graphics are etched through the paint so i'm not sure how to go about this yet.

All i've got left to do is fit the chain and cable up :D

Anyway here's some pics......oh and if anyone has an old 31.8 seatpost i need about 2 inches off the bottom of one ;)


Shes Finished :D
All i have to do is to fine tune the air in the forks.
Thanks to Ishaw for a piece of 31.8 seatpost so i could make a shim for the front mech.

Looking forward to taking it for a lap of Mayhem :D


Turned out real well...what does it ride like, or does that come after you've sorted the forks out?

Still gonna get loads of heckle when you ride past the guys though ;)

Pumped up the tyres and took it for a spin around the block. All works fine apart from when in large sprocket the rear mech cage hits a spoke, only one and if i adjust the stop the it won't shift to the largest sprocket.
Any ideas?
Going for a proper ride tomorrow night.