1992 Marin Palisades 19" frame + fork


Senior Retro Guru

Like the subject line says: I'm after a 19" 1992 Marin Palisades frame (and fork if possible) - black with eye-watering neon green chain stays and decals. Woah! :shock:

Mint condition would be ideal but I don't mind something well-used as I can always respray it (so I also I don't mind if it's a bit scruffy and the rear chain stays aren't green).

But I would like something straight and dent free.

I'm also happy to consider other 19" Marin models from '92, which I can respray in Palisades colours.

And don't worry about shipping it to Aus, my folks live in the UK so it won't be a problem.

Appreciate your time.
Re: 1992 Marin Palisades 19"

There is one on eBay UK at the min but it's 18" ..I was going to buy it but it's pick up only ( and only wanted some parts from it)

Hi Brad,

Thanks for that.

I think I've seen the one on Ebay. It looks like a 15.5 inch frame.

Pity, if it was a 19 I'd have grabbed it. :)

October bump.

Anyone got a 19 inch c-t-c?

Preferably a Palisades but other frames with Afterburners from around '92 - '93 could be OK.


1992 Marin Team frameset original bright green / purple paint, including original stem, Ti bars, saddle & post.

Can sort photos / confirm frame is 19" tomorrow.

I've got one of those, glow up like stink!

It's not easy to get a good one as the flouro chips away over the years.

Keep looking mate, it's worth the search to get a good one.

Thanks guys. I found an almost mint '92 Palisades earlier this year but the frame is way too small for me. The plan is to find a 19" frame from around the same period and swap the parts over.

Caramba Kid: Tempting, but I'd hate to insult a Team frame by re-badging it a Palisades. Post the photo anyway - they're always good to look at.

marc two tone: That's lovely ... and just what I'm aiming for. You should sell me yours - dad lives in Wakefield, he could be there in less than a hour. :wink:
