1992 Marin Palisades 19" frame + fork


Wakefield eh? :wink: I can spit on the WF3 border, i'm robin hood A61.

I'll have a think about it mate, as nice as it is, it's no more than an ornament unless they are rode on...

current status= thinking.

Hey Marc,

Robin Hood, eh? Small world - dad's originally from Lofthouse. :)

No worries about the Palisades mate, I was pulling your leg (but let me know if you do ever decide to part with it). :wink:


Hi Jon
Have you seen my Zolatane/Lime green frameset
Although I've listed it as 20" not sure if my measurements are right.
How do you measure these mountain bike frames properly

Hey C,

I don't think I have seen your Zolatone/neon green frame. I've seen the Zolatone/neon yellow one you're selling - is that the one you're referring to? If it's a 19" I'm interested.

The frames are measured from the centre of the bottom bracket spindle to the centre of where the top tube and seat tube cross. On a larger Marin, it'll be either 19 inches or 20.5 inches.

Appreciate your time, many thanks.


Hi Malc,

I think we're talking about the same frame - the Zolatone one of the three you just split, right?

Sure, I'll give you £35 for the frame and neon fork (that includes postage right?).

Let me know and I'll send the cash to your PP account.

Many thanks!
