Well, Yesterday was a lovely bright day here in the Forest of Dean,perfect for the Monsters Maiden vouage,however I was working ,so I went today, the wettest day of December, if not the year !!!!
Venue was the local trail centre in case anything fell off ! it didn't had a great run, the handling is perfect,I really did feel like Tomac as I hammered the tech sections and over taking the Trail centre full sussers gave me great joy

.It felt very quick and responsive,couldn't fault it at all.The last couple of technical sections ,the brakes started to fade as the new cables stretched , so much so that I couldn't shed any speed :evil: ,still point the Monster where I needed it and it was inch perfect
Very pleased with it,nothing i would do different, thanks to Dave getting a few pics.
Problem is I'm going to have to try really hard not to pull the Monster out every ride

it's certainly no garage queen !