All four cans are from the gold line, univ. primer, shock white (recommended under fluorescents) & ACID green (fluro)Monkeyshred is more honest than the oldshovel. I like his stuff, but generally tend to stay away from YouTuber's as I live in an echochamber and will only hear myself. (just kidding)
Glad it was cheaper, Montana definitely is superior to is formulated as a grafitti paint but their own branding etc makes it cost a fortune, and also the fact that they're not aiming it at a large market, they WANT it to be bicycle specific, because they know that's where mucho dolares are made. I've been in touch with the founders of and they seem like nice folks but the customer service is eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh and they seemed kind of clueless to be honest.
Montana is well established and has such a lovely colour selection. Do you get German Montana in CA? Like the Gold line?
I found that with montana, light coats, let it dry a bit, light coat, wet sand in between layers as required - get it super smooth. Then varnish. I'd stick with their varnish, but if you want to splurge on something else then proper expensive 2k automotive clears will do the job. Depends on how Klein-like you want the whole thing.
I'm planning on leaving a day between all coats, taking my time, thanks for the advice light coats, etc