... if origin TVT cable guide is missing - a origin Grey Vitus together with a both side adhesive tape like Velox tape will be a suitable Substitution.
I saw a lot of Concorde labeled Frames most with Italian BB (Concorde squadra Frame type has an Italian BB too) in white, red or blue but never seen this painting scheme. This is similar to the Team Z coulouring using
... normally Concorde labeled TVT92 frames had been used for example by PDM-Team rider Erik Breukink, but he used a red or white painted frame set only. Never I saw a funny couloured like yours, but all Team Z I saw came with a BSA BB and the blue part was more carbon nature then blue.
You have an origin TVT fork too? If not it's difficult to find one - mostly a Vitus Aluminium fork has been used alternatively
But in later years in 90 a lot of TVT92, especially the simple TVT92 carbone has been sold under several labels and different coulour schemes.