Having a baby was a perfect excuse to build a specific bike for a specific purpose.
My main road bike is too nice and the riding position difficult. My main full sus MTB wouldn't fit a seat. My Orbit is setup for long days out and kept at the in-laws.
So yeah, I needed another bike. A vintage MTB is perfect for a baby seat carrier- upright postion, comfortable.
I spotted this Giant Super Sierra in the classified by Brocklander. Now back in...er.. 1990/1 when I started mountain biking an older local kid had one of these. I remember it being plated and lacquered and looking tatty, then he stripped the lacquer and it just looked out of this world - like bare metal.
Here is the starting point - thanks brocklander!
This was a top of the line bike in 1988, full XT m730:
My main road bike is too nice and the riding position difficult. My main full sus MTB wouldn't fit a seat. My Orbit is setup for long days out and kept at the in-laws.
So yeah, I needed another bike. A vintage MTB is perfect for a baby seat carrier- upright postion, comfortable.
I spotted this Giant Super Sierra in the classified by Brocklander. Now back in...er.. 1990/1 when I started mountain biking an older local kid had one of these. I remember it being plated and lacquered and looking tatty, then he stripped the lacquer and it just looked out of this world - like bare metal.
Here is the starting point - thanks brocklander!
This was a top of the line bike in 1988, full XT m730: