1988 Brodie Climbmax Fillet Brazed


Giving this one a bump so it's easier to find next time.
I find the new search feature sucks. Not a fan if someone is keeping track.

Been working on this one and it might get finished this year. I said might. :)
Numerous projects on the go, and no hurry on any. Here's a bit of an update.

Frame did go to Toxik and when he stripped it found a few more issues.
It went back to Paul, but not right away. Then back to Toxik for paint.
But not right away. Only to find Harald was having some health issues.
Finally got painted frame back early 2021. Time sure flies. Started assembly
in early summer only to find out steerer of fork was too short. My mistake,
I assumed all 19" frames were created equal. Wrong. The fork came off an
early 1990's frame. This is a 1988 frame with an earlier style longer head tube.
Back to Paul the fork goes. I have slowly been assembling it. Taken this long
already, a few more months won't matter.
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Beautiful sunny day here. Got out the camera
and took a couple teaser pictures.
Happy Halloween all.
Nice meeting you the other day Roy (Cannondale M1000 purchase), I'm caught up on this thread and wow! Can't wait to see the non-teaser complete bike photos ;)
my how time flies, it has been just short or 11 years since i picked this one up.
but it is finally done. the build is a bit non traditional for a brodie. i like how it has turned out.

thanks to vintageman for all his help on setup. the rollercam brakes on the gatorblade were
an absolute curse to adjust. when paul puts u brake bosses on a gatorblade he mounts them
at a 10 degree angle (i think that is what he told me) so that with a u brake the cable comes
down parallel to the headtube. this is the look he prefers. but, and this is a big but we discovered,
when using a rollercam brake system this makes for clearance issues to access the pad bolts. i tried
shimming out the arms but then they would bind when tightened down. lots of trial and error but
finally got it done.

looking forward to a maiden voyage on it soon.

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Been waiting for ages to see this Roy. Love the smoke finish and colour scheme. Let's see some more of it 8)
Holy smokes! Love the paint Roy. Fascinating insight regarding the angled bosses. Great job 👏 👍