1981 Raleigh Twenty folder - BMXified (ish)

Re: Re:

Bats":31zevatq said:
No, but you will die when those cheapo fake Tuffs snap. As for ancient styling... You know you're on retrobike, right? I mean it says so and everything. On the screen.

Either way, this isn't a styling improvement, it sort of looks like a bunch of random bits that weren't meant to go on the same kind of bikes. Which it is.

It reminds me of those people who buy those rubbish PT Cruisers and glue loads of tacky fake chrome and fake porthole exhausts all over it.

Folding bike version of pengy.
Ouch! It's not that bad! To each their own, I suppose.

Even on Retrobike, there's some room for stylistic anarchy!

Plus, the original beast was, stylistically, a POS, right? I wouldn't necessarily want to see fat tyres on a Colnago, but this is experimental and fun. Personally I can't see the problem.

As you were.

I really do hope those knockoff wheels don't snap, though. I've seen some right shockers.

They're not knockoffs, they're nos acorns. Third best mags, bitd (apparently). Plus I'm not gonna be doing tricks or trying to race it, so they should be fine.
Re: 1981 Raleigh Twenty folder - BMXified!

Those Mags will be fine. The only ones I ever saw snap bitd were the ones that were really skinny spoked and came on the worst kind of cheap BMX dealer. One presumes you aren't going to be doing any half pipes or racing on this beast?! Didn't think so!

There's room for all kinds of bikes on this website, I've put bikes together from all kinds of ket I've had lying around in my garage for years, with scant regard of how it looked, as long as it ran smoothly. Keep up the good work my friend.
Re: 1981 Raleigh Twenty folder - BMXified!

Meejoir":2r4vdlpu said:
Those Mags will be fine. The only ones I ever saw snap bitd were the ones that were really skinny spoked and came on the worst kind of cheap BMX dealer. One presumes you aren't going to be doing any half pipes or racing on this beast?! Didn't think so!

Back in the day there weren't an ebay for people to sell really dodgy mags made in china out of acrylic.

At any rate he says they're proper ones, so fair enough.
Re: 1981 Raleigh Twenty folder - BMXified!

Love it. Saw one of these for sale at the weekend and thought of this bike..... Keep up the good work.
Re: 1981 Raleigh Twenty folder - BMXified!

Thanks for the feedback! Even bad feedback is good.. it made me realise that what I'd done was worryingly close to fitting aerospokes to a different bike, which is weird because I absolutely hate aerospokes!

I still like how it looks, though.. maybe it's some kind of nostalgia-based blindness. :p

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