This was a machine I bought for a winter project, but its taken me a bit longer to bring to fruition than I'd planned. I was looking for a frame and forks only for a winter project to use some of my stock of parts in my workshop. I bought this one as my second only Raleigh in a long while. I looked at this and a Carlton Continental, this one was very good condition, the BB and steerer had been serviced and the paint work and decals were in great nick for its age, so I got the Raleigh. My late father liked Raleigh bikes and I bought this one to show him, once completed, sadly he died in early January and never saw it. As I said most of the parts were from the parts bin, apart from the chainset, cables, toe clips/straps and my only real indulgence on this build a NOS set of Bluemels All Rounders. The frame is 23.5", Truwel tubed, just my size and is running a 52/42 up front with a 32-tooth 6 speeder on the back. I've added a rack for commuting and touring work as well. Certainly worth restoring back and its turned out very well, rides well and is a bit different from my Carltons. Not one you see a lot now and the ones I have seen look pretty rough, nothing high tech or glamorous but it looks lovely in Bronze and Gold.