16 Questions to:

16 questions

1; nobby the sheep ,got the nick name when i was in the young farmers ,i was the only sheperd there the rest were all arable farmers.i now work on a dairy farm so its a yes regarding cows arse
2;started mtbing about 88/89ish
3;raleigh apex[with flexstem]
4;my iphone and my rolling tobbaco
5;my cadex cfm1 ,its been one of the most reliable bikes i ve ever had
6;hardly do any house work as i am usely out 14hrs aday at work or out rideing
7;simpily an orange vit t
8;when i was a student i helped with the dolly the sheep experiments and trials
9;i know its modernish but its got to be my pace rc 40's
11;new zealand ,50 sheep to 1person :LOL:
12;jesus ,so i could ask him whats all the hype about
13;either some thing carbon or ti [hardtail]
14;i regret selling my gt lobo [it was one of steve peats origanily]
15;iam dyslcsic [as you can tell],so it make no difference to me :LOL:
16;it was nt me who did the crop circles but i did leave my dog tied up in the middle of one of those fields attached to a long piece of rope
nobby the sheep , this thread have stopped, you are meant to pick next member for continue this thread.
1) Who are you ?
Mark - average not imaginative

2) When did you start mountainbiking ?
Rode them since i was 11 when the folks brought me a Scott something or other. I remeber it was pink and black and a 21" frame. Why did parents used to do that? i was all of 5' tall for gods sake!. Started properly in 96 when i brought my own bike

3) What was your first mountainbike ?
The one that started it by accident was a Halfords special Carrera Instinct - brought it then picked up a copy of What Mountain Bike that had a review of it in there, so i brought that to - the rest is history.

4) What do you have in your pockets right now ?
Pig nuts - see below

5) What is your favorite mountainbike ?
Erm - the one i drooled over when i was 17 i guess. It was a Trek/Klein Adroit in the orange fade with judy sl's on it. Being a mere mortal i could only afford the Pulse Pro, but bloody hell i ragged that bike for 10 years - then sold it on but thats another story.

6) What's your most hated chore on the household chore list ?
Trying to think up excuses and explanations to the wife of why i havn't accutualy done any chores ......

7) What bike would you buy if money was no object ?

Orange Alpine - hell if money is no object i can move somewhere to actually make use of it!

8 ) Name one thing that not many people know about you ?
Erm .... o yeah. I've just got 2 new pets - Kune Kune Pigs. Ones called Bella and the other is Nigel

9) What is you favorite bikepart ?
Any that still works after 2 hours of me riding it - ask CK who has to fix bits for me

10) Which bike (brand) is overrated according to your own humble opinion ?
They are all only worth what youre prepared to pay for them. O except for the Gt LTS i brought. It was shite - sry

11) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be ?
This changes every time i go on holiday - but i do like Wales - they have hills and everything!

12) If you could go on a road trip with any person (dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go ?

I tried to think of something here that would make me look clever but sry, - Angelina Jolie - just on the off chance that you may see her naked!

13) What is you next bike going to be ?
Ridden - thats all i know

14) Which bike(part) do you regret selling

My Klein - people that know me will know the story

15) Do you think it is cruel that there is an "S" in the word lisp?
Nope i'm me, it just makes me giggle.

16) Next up GrannyGrinder! so how much did you manage to put away over the MM weekend? ;)

1), Who are you?
Michael Rowe(Mike) all round good egg.
2)When did you start mountainbiking?
Around 87-88, i'd have been about 13 at the time. I was destroying racers riding round the woods so something had to give.
3)What was your first mountain bike?
A motly green and black Muddy fox Courier Comp, bloody marvelous.
If anyone has a pic of one send it over :D
4)What do you have in your pockets right now?
No pockets, still in my PJ's.
5)What is your favourite mountainbike?
Klein Mantra,drooled over them ages in Peter Hargroves Cycles. Not sure what they ride like, don't care really.
6)What's your most hated chore on the household chore list?
Washing up, thats why women have smaller feet you know, so they can get closer to the sink ;)
7)What bike would you buy if money was no object?
One of those £7000 all carbon Scales, just because I could.
:cool:Name one thing that not many people know about you?
I am qualified bus driver, amongst other things.
9)What is your favourite bike part?
Xtr canti's, very pretty and yet understated.
10)Which bike/brand is overated in your own humble opinion?
Orange, I just think its lot of money for what you get. There are companies that do what they do better and cheaper. Oi, stop throwin' them stones :D
11)If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
I love Wales, i live there now. The wife keeps nagging about moving to New Zealand. But if I had my choice it would have to be La Rochelle in south west France, love it.
12)If you could go on a road trip with anyone(dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go?
Easy, Colin Mcrae in a Subaru round Kielder Forest, aaaahhhhhh!!!!!
13)What is your next bike going to be?
Cyclocrossish,not sure exactly what yet.
14)Which bike/part do you regret selling?
I let some XT hubbed 517 wheels go, nothing special but you don't realise what you've had until its gone.
15)Do you think its cruel that there is an "s" in the word lisp?
Nope, thats the world for you its a harsh and scary place, apparently.

16)12 cans of Old speckled hen.
1 litre of very cheap vodka.
2 litres of ginger beer(to take the edge of the vodka)
6 cans of fosters
and a few dumpy french beers, all in all quite a conservative weekend

Next up Johnnyboy666, Do you really need all those bikes? :D :D :D
cheers mike, but shame on you with that anti orange comment!! :LOL:

who are you?
jonnyboy666 not johnnyboy666!! everyone does it!! :LOL: aka jon, not jonathan either, just jon. the jonnyboy thing started from a mates kid calling me that and it stuck, then a website came along and wanted a number for a log in and 666 was the first number i thought of :twisted:

when did you start mountain biking?

late 87, i moved down here from norwich at 13, hated it for quite sometime coz i hated the school i was in and was billynomates, started exploring the forest on my bike and it went from there.

what was your first mountain bike?

first mtb was a heap of crap from B+Q! i wanted a bike from the local shop but dad and me were in B+Q, he saw it and thought is was as good as the one i wanted but cheaper so he got it for me for xmas, it was returned 2 weeks later and then i got the bike i wanted which was an EMMELLE ALPINE12, was pretty awful really but i knew nothing then!! had a very good pearl white paint job though.

what do you have in your pockets right now?

nothing, when i walk in the front door the pockets get emptied!! but usually it's wallet, phone, bunch of keys on a dmr carabina thingy.

what's your favourite mountainbike?

tough one that . . . . out of what i have at the mo it would be my STRANGE ST4 . . . . . out of all the bikes i have ever owned it would be the 97(?) GT Psyclone i sold . . . . cock!!

what is your most hated chore in the household chore list?

all of it. don't get me wrong, i do it coz i like a clean tidy place, i just hate it all.

what bike would you buy if money was no object?

i really like the 20th anniversary orange vit T, but it would be my choice of spec, i didn't like some the stuff on the off the shelf model. i'd also like an original one to match though, but money is an object!!

name on thing that not many people know about you.

like to be left on my own, i am happy when i'm on my own . . . . most of the time. i just don't always tell people, unless they're really getting on my wick!! :LOL:

what is yoour favourite bike part?

frame, it's the identity of the bike.

which bike brand is overrated in your opinion?

colnago . . . but i want one anyway. :roll: :LOL:

if you could live anywhere in the world where would that be?

the alps in the summer and new zealand in their summer!! :LOL:

if you could go on a road trip with any person dead or alive, who would you choose and where would you go?

my best mate Rob, i don't see him very often but we always have a great laugh when we do meet, he's in the royal military police based in germany at the moment but has served everywhere there has been war since he had to "body bag" bosnia, he's a king amongst men. it would be a european roadtrip lasting through several countries and would be belly expanding due to drinking way too much!! :LOL:

what is your next bike going to be?

not sure at the mo, just finished the EVO2 but haven't properly ridden it yet, i'm also half way through collecting the bit s for my "lemon roadwork" project and i still have a dynatech i have done nothing with!! i'd like to do a yo eddy aquafade but i think i might be dissapointed with it when it's done coz i only really want it for the way it looks, sorry :oops:

which bike part do you regret selling?

'95 record cranks and ergo's because i'd like to rebuild my cougar with the original bits so it looks "right" but i can't now . . . . . without spending years waiting for it all to turn up on ebay!! :roll:

do you think it is cruel that there is an "s" in the word lisp?

tough titty!! :LOL:

do i really need all those bikes?

honestly, no, but i have different uses for each of them, certain bike for certain places or times of the year etc, although some of them i just simply would never sell. i regretted selling my psyclone and i don't want to make that mistake again so i wait until i can pay for the new (to me) bike before i get it, although i do sell stuff that isn't sentimental to me. but anyway, when did "need" ever come into it?!! :LOL:

next person on the list? . . . . . walks away, goes for a shower . . . . thinking . . . . . had the shower and i still can't decide who to ask what question to?! :oops: :roll:

i'm off out for a pint so i'll have a little think then edit the post to add someone! some of the people i would send this to have already done it. also, i don't want to waste this opportunity!! :D

thanks to mike (grannygrinder) for the invite :D

EDIT right, just got back from the pub, thought it has to be ameybrook, because the quality of the builds he does are amazing. :shock:

the question would have to be, you have built and sold a fair few bikes that i have noticed since me being on the site, bearing in mind how much effort went into the recent yeti c26 would you ever sell it? (assuming you haven't!) and if so what would you replace it with? i suppose i'm asking what is your dream bike? because you seem to have built most of everyone elses dream bikes!!

sorry thats sort of a couple of questions isn't it! sod it i've typed it now!! :LOL:
1) Who are you ?



2) When did you start mountainbiking ?

1991 among the woods and mosquitos of New England

3) What was your first mountainbike ?

Huffy Revolution


Replaced by a 94 Kona Lava Dome, the restoration of which brought me to this site


4) What do you have in your pockets right now ?



5) What is your favorite mountainbike ?

My C-26


6) What's your most hated chore on the household chore list ?

Folding Laundry

7) What bike would you buy if money was no object ?

Probably a modern carbon hardtail.

8 ) Name one thing that not many people know about you ?

in 18 years of riding and racing, I've never broken a frame, and I've never broken a bike part from normal use.

9) What is you favorite bikepart ?

Kind of a dorky question, but ok. Cranks are sexy


10) Which bike (brand) is overrated according to your own humble opinion ?


11) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be ?

Crested Butte in the summer, Northern California in the winter

12) If you could go on a road trip with any person (dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go ?

Probably Tomac, and currently I'd love to team up with him in the BC Bike Race.

13) What is you next bike going to be ?

Probably a Yeti ASR for my wife. For me, I'm hoping a Yeti Ultimate :twisted:

14) Which bike(part) do you regret selling

Right now its a rear Nuke Proof hub, because I'm after one. I'd really like my 96 Voodoo Djab back. That was a cool frame. But really, no regrets.

15) Do you think it is cruel that there is an "S" in the word lisp?

Another gay question. :roll:

16) (make up your own question for the next person in line)

Someone invites you on a ride and the only info you get is that its a famous ride 3-4 hours long someplace cool in the world. Do you grab your retro bike or your modern one?
Mike pointed this thread back at me. My answers didn't change. I'll pass the bowl along to haggis

ps - Ameybrook your Q16. No point ruining a long journey and a great trail ;)
Sorry about the slow reply guys

1) Who are you ?


2) When did you start mountainbiking ?


3) What was your first mountainbike ?

First MTB was my Kilauea

4) What do you have in your pockets right now ?

Not a jot

5) What is your favorite mountainbike ?

My Kilauea

6) What's your most hated chore on the household chore list ?

Dishes......despise doing the dishes! :twisted:

7) What bike would you buy if money was no object ?

Kent Eriksen

8 ) Name one thing that not many people know about you ?

I hate courgettes

9) What is you favorite bikepart ?

The frame

10) Which bike (brand) is overrated according to your own humble opinion ?


11) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be ?

New Zealand. Snowboarding in the winter, MTBing in the summer

12) If you could go on a road trip with any person (dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go ?

Sara Harding and i wouldn't care where i went ;)

13) What is you next bike going to be ?

Kent Eriksen

14) Which bike(part) do you regret selling

1996 Kona Hot

15) Do you think it is cruel that there is an "S" in the word lisp?

No but its definitely funny

16) I'd grab my modern bike as i don't have real retro machine anymore

I think i'll nominate gil_m and ask him who would win in a fight? Osama Bin Laden or Barack Obama?