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  1. N

    Bike Helmets

    its actually illegal not to wear a seatbelt in a car by the way and even if its a passenger the driver gets prosecuted if caught. pet hate for me is that you can smoke while driving but not eat or drink. the way i think about helmets is that my son depends on me, so anything that protects...
  2. N

    GT LTS 1000 ... 415c188fa0 looks all original apart from tyres. ends today so be quick.
  3. N

    'Handling' - what influences our sense of - a discussion

    ah. thanks for that. think i have one of those BSO's. the tyres and contact points of the bike are most important for me as these affect how comfortable the bike is (assuming correct size). also as others have said setup is dependant on the type of riding you are doing for my liking. i...
  4. N

    Does anybody else go out riding with their Dog

    i like reubens pics. the before and after pictures of the dog :). hes totally exhausted afterwards with a smile on his face :)
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    'Handling' - what influences our sense of - a discussion

    just out of interest.. what does BSO stand for?
  6. N

    Is Retro really the way forward!? Your thoughts

    i really appreciate my retro bike as it was so cheap to put together. as others are saying you need to spend crazy money to buy a similar specced modern incarnation (crazy to me anyway) and i doubt the performance is that much better in the real world (and who cares for £700 difference)...
  7. N

    Advice on approaching dogs while cycling anyone?

    bert. didnt mean to imply you were in the wrong btw. at the time i was thinking about going too fast and crashing out without driver/dog/pedestrian intervention. (i've almost done this a few times going 40mph down a big hill). rupert is a great name for a dog isnt it :) am i right in...
  8. N

    Advice on approaching dogs while cycling anyone?

    going fast inappropriately on any road / path isnt good. i was walking along the canal a while back and a cyclist came hurtling past at 25mph plus (downhill) straight into a blind corner. at this point cars drive down as there are houses and people go fishing so it was just brainless.
  9. N

    Advice on approaching dogs while cycling anyone?

    hope you weren't too badly injured. i bet it hurts a bit coming of at that speed. anyone tried bunny hopping a dog? :D that reminds me i seem to remember someone hitting a pot hole a while back at 30mph(which buckled his wheels and launched him off his bike). there were various comments...
  10. N

    Advice on approaching dogs while cycling anyone?

    thanks for the replies so far. i also would never kick a dog unless it went for me. however, dogs consistently scare my 4 year old son when we are out and about (walking) and their owners think nothing of it. imagine if they had knocked me off my bike and i was injured (dogs would have...
  11. N

    Seatpost dilemma

    i use vaseline on my seat post. I've also greased my wheel hubs with it as I didn't have the proper stuff. (probably not a good idea on wheel hubs).
  12. N

    Bike Helmets

    better safe than sorry. although some of the nice ones can be pricey (i'm still on a £15 argos thing for the authentic mushroom look). i always make sure my son rides with a helmet too.
  13. N

    Advice on approaching dogs while cycling anyone?

    Hello, I went out on the bike yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks (due to injury). I was taking my usual route, this is a mix of off road / tow path / road. As I was half way up the hill in some woods a couple of dogs came flying towards me jumping up at my bike. This of...
  14. N

    1995 M-trax ti 1000 (First Build)

    I've attached a picture of the bike in Esholt on Sunday. Blazingly bright sunshine, shocking picture. Cameraphones ftw.
  15. N

    1997/8 Mtrax Full Sus

    lovely stuff. i've not seen one of these before.
  16. N

    1995 M-trax ti 1000 (First Build)

    thanks for all the comments so far :D im not so sure on the colour of the forks myself contrasting with the bikes black / red. I think they would look better without the blue stickers on though. I tried some T-cut on the bike last night. It really works well :P When I have some time...
  17. N

    MTB Routes : Bradford

    Hello all, I thought I would start a post on some routes in Bradford as it seems to have been left out. West Wood - Apperley Bridge / Greengates / Calverley ... ?wood=4700 This wood runs through the three villages above and is on the border of...
  18. N

    WANTED some riding buddies in leeds

    there is a proper trail north east of Otley. I've not been myself yet but quite fancy going some time. ... rn-forest/
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    1995 M-trax ti 1000 (First Build)

    more pictures (in kitchen sorry).
  20. N

    1995 M-trax ti 1000 (First Build)

    so far the forks have been fantastic. they really grip the terrain. my other bikes forks are like a pogo stick comparatively. i bought them from someone off this forum but have only just fitted them. I havent dared take them apart yet but i think it could be time for a quick service. it...