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  1. R

    I love working on bikes but....

    Try removing old cotter pins, everything else is a minor issue.
  2. R

    (Not a) Mercian Audax 1983 Dulux Special!

    Frame number is 083010 or so I'm told cant really see due to the paint job. If it was a cyclocross frame it was made for 27 inch wheels didn't think you got nobbly 27 inch tyres but could be wrong. There are full braze ons including pump pegs on the seat stay and double mudguard eyes.
  3. R

    (Not a) Mercian Audax 1983 Dulux Special!

    Have been assembling parts, got some new wheels, 36 spokes 17mm rims but cheap shimano hubs. Will go for bar ends and am looking at chainsets I have a new stronglight impact on my gazelle may swap it for a campag leaving me with a compact chainset, or could buy a new stronglight as I fancy going...
  4. R

    (Not a) Mercian Audax 1983 Dulux Special!

    Re: Mercian Audax 1983 Dulux Special! I think I now have this bike. Bought from a guy in Southam. Mercian disowned it, so it is pedigree unknown. Its light, well the frame is, the forks are chunky I have had the rear dropouts cold set to 130mm and it is unusual, Lee Cooper the frame builder...
  5. R

    What Cables for '60s Campag Bar End Shifters

    Thanks for the informed comments. I like bar ends, even got one on my sturmey 3 speed homage to the clubman special, but dont like the washing line from bottom of the drops. I have currently got the cable under the tape all the way and the problem is brake levers I can't find a satisfactory way...
  6. R

    Brit braze on

    The bike is an Elswick Hopper Lincoln Imp. There is no gear hangar but not sure if this is original as have seen other older models with a gear hangar. If it was removed the cut is clean and been well finished. Have heard that cyclo gears were on earlier models. If that is the case and I have...
  7. R

    Brit braze on

    The bike is from the early 60s. There is one braze on boss on the down tube,a campag screw is not the right thread but a screw from the fork end, attaching the mudguard does fit. The threaded whole goes right through into the down tube.
  8. R

    Brit braze on

    I have come across a braze on for the shifter, it seems to have a brit imperial 2BA thread, will the actual shape of the braze on be compatible with the more usual campag braze on? If not what is the solution file and tap or just file and use a 2BA screw, like used for the mudguard
  9. R

    What Cables for '60s Campag Bar End Shifters

    I to am fitting bar ends and am wondering on drilling the bars as mentioned before. I have some old GB bars they look like thick aluminium and must be around 70s/80s vintage. It seems in the past it was done but now is frowned upon. I have heard lots of stories of bars snapping and horror...
  10. R

    Elswick Hopper Lincoln Imp

    Just bought a Elswick Hopper Lincoln Imp, the serial number has an S so that makes it a 1963 or 64/65 depending on which data base you look at. I am wondering how original it is, the alloy GB bars and stem with a protruding nut and an odd headset with a locknut but round race nut look...