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  1. boswell

    Anyone else found their retroness has waned.....?!

    Re: Still in the honeymoon period with my "new" Pace, my Mount Vision I've owned since about '98 so looks like I've got staying power! The 2001 Mount Vision still gets hammered around in the hills.
  2. boswell

    Show us your Pace rc100,200,300

    Re: Drool
  3. boswell

    Show us your Pace rc100,200,300

    Re: More up to date photo
  4. boswell

    TOP OF THE POPS.........Retrobike style.

    Re: I've got all I want.......and probably all my Mrs would let me buy! I could add more Pace models and: 1 Cannondale M700 (to replace the one I had new) 2 Saracen Tufftrax (to replace the one I had New) Other than that I'm happy with these 2 and my 2001 Mount Vision
  5. boswell

    Olive green ano Pace RC200 F5 | parts needed / to swap

    Re: I'd be interested in the decals
  6. boswell

    Olive green ano Pace RC200 F5 | parts needed / to swap

    Re: bishopdante any pictures of your finished Pace?
  7. boswell

    My bikes almost finished. Pics here

    Re: Nice!
  8. boswell

    Bumped into Mint Sauce on Ilkley Moor Yesterday

    Re: Re: Here you go: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=351207
  9. boswell

    Bumped into Mint Sauce on Ilkley Moor Yesterday

    Re: Sorry Ripley2011 Pip is a keeper! Here you go player: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=351207
  10. boswell

    Bumped into Mint Sauce on Ilkley Moor Yesterday

    Re: Too right I never wear a helmet!
  11. boswell

    Bumped into Mint Sauce on Ilkley Moor Yesterday

    Apt that I was riding a Green Pace RC200
  12. boswell

    New / old cyclist. Hybrid / road / MTB build

    Re: Remember...No Pain No Gain :wink:
  13. boswell

    New / old cyclist. Hybrid / road / MTB build

    Re: I hope you take this in the right way ie. the way it's meant but numb legs after 15 minutes and "agony" in the hands etc. Do you have a really low pain tolerance? Have you been riding bikes that are way too big or too small? I appreciate I maybe the ideal size for most off the peg bikes...
  14. boswell

    New / old cyclist. Hybrid / road / MTB build

    Re: Maybe you need to go for a bike fitting? Or just try lots of bikes.
  15. boswell

    Work bikes

    Re: I like!
  16. boswell

    New / old cyclist. Hybrid / road / MTB build

    Re: In what way have you been in pain?
  17. boswell

    New / old cyclist. Hybrid / road / MTB build

    Re: Hi I've done exactly what you are thinking about, I've always mountain biked but fancied a little more road mileage but seriously dislike "road bikes" so I bought a Pace RC200 F5 purely for road use (yeah I admit it has been hammered over Ilkley Moor.......Just the once!!) and it's been...
  18. boswell

    Pace RC-200 F5 1995/6 This is not a Build Thread

    Who me? and if so what do you suggest?
  19. boswell

    Pace RC-200 F5 1995/6 This is not a Build Thread

    Re: Nice! And I now see how the Crud Guard fits!