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  1. V

    poncing around in Lycra

    Re: Where would a n get tyres for that hoor of a yoke....! I ride my 501 Peugeot tourer to work in jeans and shirt. Change the shirt and shoes quick squirt of Dr.Smellgood and is all good. If it rains I have overtrousers and a rain jacket.. Simples. I go out with the club in cycling gear but...
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    Ride London Surrey 2015 Questions

    Howya Lads Got an entry to this event on the 2nd August ... I am taking my 1983 Vitus 979. I have a few wee questions for you all I am needing new tubulars .. She is on Vittoria Rallys which serve her well - I could go the same again but if the roads are rough I wont bother...
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    Club runs

    Re: Club Spins are the same here in Galway. We usually have a turnup of around 25 so the groups are split. Faster longer lads do around 60 miles and normal crew do around 40 miles. The fast lads take up first to avoid them catching the weaker bunch and causing mayhem !! Im in the normal crew...
  4. V

    Winter Road tyre recommendations...

    I used tem for a year and a half now and they are superb Im on Panasonic Ribmos in 700x28c now and no probs - better half was shopping and came back with them.. Im on them 6 months with no problems so far...! Pumped to 7 bar !! :lol:
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    Peugeot Triathalon Paint Code ? Advice Needed !

    Hi Lads Ive been given a Peugeot 501 Trathalon by a friend who was for skipping it. The forks are bent but ive gotton hold of another suitable set and the front wheel is egg shaped. Much to the better halfs distain I am going to restore it. The paint is in bad nick so she will need a...
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    Peugeot PX-10 1972

    Re: Ohh I love that ... Proper machine ! Well done...!
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    Peugeot Racer

    I had a Peugeot 5 .. She had a lugless 103 carbolite frame. She had cottered 48T chainset in polished steel 24-14 5 speed freewheel 27x1 1/4" wheels on Maillard hubs. Weinmann brakes with sissy levers on the bars (which rattled like anything). Full mudguards in metal but no carrier. All the...
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    Peugeot Ultima 653

    A very poor excuse to sell - Just get back out on it again and the fitness will come !
  9. V

    Vitus 979 bike

    Funny you mention the KAS.. Our local bike shop had 2 of Sean Kellys bikes on display ! One is a Concorde that he rode for PDM in Carbon and the other is a Vitus that was used on The Vuelta by Kelly.... She has carbon 3 main tubes and from memory has Campag groupset including them weird campag...
  10. V

    Anyone ride sportives ?

    I ride them all the time on the Vitus 979 .. She is a great travelling companion.. Light fast and comfortable I rode from Loughrea to Ballina on Saturday last 122 miles .. My advice is just do the maintenance stuff mentioned above and carry 2 spare tubes/ 1 tubular Tyre levers Mini Pump Phone...
  11. V

    Vitus 979 bike

    Hi Shaky - What a corker .. Well Done...! Just get out now and get fit... I find with mine I absolutely terrorise the carbon lads who look down their noses.. Sorry for the hijack but how could I resist the mid-life crisis pics.... Great Spin Out West 2012 Givin It big licks on Castle...
  12. V

    Vitus 979 bike

    Hi Shaky You have just mentioned my 2 favourite statements ie Peugeot and 979 Vitus. That was an absolute bargain and well done.... ! I have a 1983 979 Peugeot which I ride all the sprtives I can on... Ive been pictured with her and Sean Kelly , Bernard Hinault and not forgetting...
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    Simplex Gear Lever Question

    Hi Guys I recently got my hands on a set of Simplex gear levers.. Only problem is they are mounted on a collar and the bike I want to put them on has braze on lever mounts. I can get the levers themselves off but I cant shift the very inside piece off... This piece seems to have...
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    Vitus 979 Seatpost Advice

    Hi Guys I havent been around in a while so apologies for that but I have been slowly restoring my Peugeot Vitus 979 Duralinox ! She is looking not too bad now. I have a slight problem but. I have a Dura-Ace 7400 Aero seatpost which fits no problem but I have to put it about 20mm past...
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    winter riding and tyres?

    Its really tough conditions over here at the moment. roads are badly cut up and the cycle lanes are littered with thorns and glass ! I use Bontrager Race-Lites in 700x23 and they are fab - No issues - Not the lightest tyre in fairness and the bike has a dead feel but I can live with that if I...
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    Your retro plans for 2013

    No real plans as yet.. except I intend to ride the bike every day for 365 days.. Rain or shine whether it be commute, club spin, sportive or blood and thunder club race nights... ! I am also aiming for a 165 mile ride from Galway to Kilmacrennan . It isnt an organised run just me and the...
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    Frightening ride today!

    Well done Ian for taking it the distance ! Hopefully that numpty gets a can of whipass opened up on him followed by a nice big slice of humble pie...! Glad you didnt get wrote off ! I commute every day and in fairness have had very little in the way of incidents ! Its the 1% of bad and...
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    Dismantle LOOK pedals ?

    Re: pin I have 4 sets of Look Delta as well ... Even have them on the Felt F5 ! Thanks for the info lads .. All worked a treat :wink:
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    Touring Bike Wheel

    Gents Looking for a rear 700c wheel for a touring bike. The original wheel was a Weinmann with a Maillard hub and 120mm spacing on the axle. 700x28 tyre was fitted... Anthing round and silver with a 120mm spacing and screw on freewheel hub should do the trick...! Thanks
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    Shimano 600 tricolour downtube shifters

    I have them in 7/8 speed - Bolt i smissing from the left side.. Not the greatest of shapes but Give me a PM with your addresss & I'll post them to you for free if they are any good to you....!