Search results

  1. aguycalled80

    Early Norcos?

    They're pretty rare in my experience. I worked at a shop that sold them right around 2000 - the owner had a green Team Issue that was full XTR, and a kid that worked there had a Ti on a shop deal. They were very nice, but I don't think I've seen one since I stopped working there. The problem...
  2. aguycalled80

    Help, what model of Santa Cruz is this frame please

    Definitely not the original shock there. It would have had a coil spring shock instead of that Manitou. Looks like an A2Z disc adapter.
  3. aguycalled80

    How NOT to build a retrobike picture thread

    I found this in my archives, and I swear I had nothing to do with it. In fact, you couldn't pay me enough to ride it. Maybe it's just the angle this picture was taken at, but it appears the head angle is at 85 degrees or so.
  4. aguycalled80

    1992 Rocky Mtn Blizzard - Bike auction find

    Somewhere out there, a Nimbus is missing it's fork... Super nice bike! I love that paint scheme.
  5. aguycalled80

    The u-brake is b-a-c-k (and it's mad!)

    I'm really glad you posted this because I found a Specialized road fork on ebay last week with bosses for what looked like U-brakes and I was very confused. I knew that road bikes had been sneaking the brakes onto the chainstays, but I didn't know they were using a different mounting system...
  6. aguycalled80

    A few action shots from back in the day

    Re: Re: I'm about 99% sure that this is what it looks like now;,- ... 0SVYPQ!2e0 It used to be a vacant lot, but it was prime riverfront property, so now it's full of half million dollar town homes. But there are way better trails in town, so I don't...
  7. aguycalled80

    A few action shots from back in the day

    I thought people might enjoy a few pics that I scanned recently. I believe they're from 1993, but I can't say for sure. They were taken with a very cheap camera, but some of them are actually not bad. Quick background; myself and three of my friends all bought bikes in 1991, and by this...
  8. aguycalled80

    Vintage Night in Calgary

    For starters, a Rocky Sherpa; ... nFlag=true And then TWO Diamondback Ascents, both from 1990 I'd guess. ... nFlag=true Looks like a Fisher Fattrax on the front, though a pretty sad one...
  9. aguycalled80

    Concorde Aquila frameset

    This frame is a dead ringer for a Vitus 979. But no other Aquila I see in a Google search looks like this. The seller mentions Vitus, but I don't know enough about either brand. I do love the colours though.
  10. aguycalled80

    DeKerf Team ST 853

    Fantastic. Looks like you're getting a lot more travel out of that softtail than mine. And by "a lot" I mean another 1/4"
  11. aguycalled80

    DeKerf Team ST 853

    My apologies for bringing this to your attention. But, now we're TeamST brothers! I thought that the '98s were all steel, then he went to Ti stays in '99, but I'm basing that strictly on my memory which is exceedingly unreliable.
  12. aguycalled80

    Help wanted - 700c wheels on a 26er canti frame?

    I used the Mavic adapters on my commuter bike years ago - best thing ever. I put a hybrid fork on the front so I only needed one. I still have two sets, and a Redline CX fork, I just need the right frame. If you're willing to go wading into eBay listings, there are a couple different v-brakes...
  13. aguycalled80

    Rocky Mountain Expert?

    Dammit. It sold already and I didn't save any images. Grabbed these from the cache, but they're pretty small
  14. aguycalled80

    Rocky Mountain Expert?

    I've never heard of the Expert before. ... nFlag=true The components are all over the map, and all three cables down the right of the top tube?
  15. aguycalled80

    Rocky Mountain Experience ... nFlag=true There is simply no way I can swing this right now, so if there's anyone interested in Canada, I can go check it out.