Search results

  1. B

    Tyres, will we run out?

    It's a testament to the bike industry marketing department if 12% of all mountain bikes are 29ers. I can well believe it though.
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    Tyres, will we run out?

    Not as long as people like them and collect them. If you go into a modern LBS, you'd be forgiven for thinking anything over three years old was only fit for scrap. A look here and Ebay proves that isn't the case, and that the market is healthy.
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    My Unicorn 1988 Muddy Fox Courier ...

    Re: Re: They make sense to me. Nice bike. It is nice to get one of the bikes you would have loved as a kid, isn't it? I would have killed for a Muddy Fox. All I had was an Emelle 12 speed that was about three inches too big for me. I couldn't ride it.
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    Wanted, MTB Frame for Tourer Build. (newbie)

    It doesn't matter which brakes you get. They all work brilliantly. You have to have a u brake on the Raleigh though, because the mounting bosses are slightly different on the frame.
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    Wanted, MTB Frame for Tourer Build. (newbie)

    The only problem with u brakes is as the pads wear out, they move towards the tyre. If you don't keep an eye on them, they wreck your tyre.
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    Wanted, MTB Frame for Tourer Build. (newbie)

    It would be a great bike at 1/3 of the price. Condition is everything. These bikes are not worth that much. The Orbit I linked to is as much as you need to spend. Besides which, it’s better quality.
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    Wanted, MTB Frame for Tourer Build. (newbie)

    Re: It even has brazeons for front and rear racks! viewtopic.php?f=2&t=355236&start=0
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    Wanted, MTB Frame for Tourer Build. (newbie)

    It's a good bike for the job, but I agree it's a bit small. And £105 is a lot. Is there a bike recycling charity near you? The ideal candidate will be relatively affordable there, everyone wants suspension these days.
  9. B

    Racks for shopping bike conversion?

    Weight on the front is fine, but only if it doesn't move around. The Minoura I have puts most of the weight over and in front of the front axle. If you turn the bars fast, it tries to keep turning them when you stop. You do better hanging bags off the side like lowriders, but then sometimes I...
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    Wanted, MTB Frame for Tourer Build. (newbie)

    Re: This one would be the right size for you, and would be an ideal starting point. A day rebuilding, and you are ready to go: ... SwoU9X8MWC (I'm not the seller)
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    Racks for shopping bike conversion?

    I've been experimenting with DIY racks and bags, as I've decided I'm going to tour again, and I can't afford to replace my old Carradice stuff (I was burgled a couple of years ago, and it all went). I have been using East German daysacks, £4.50 each! Very waterproof, and nearly the ideal size...
  12. B

    1978 Raleigh Stowaway

    Re: I have one of these for me, and a fixed version for my other half. It is a hoot, and I've decided mine deserves better parts and a rebuild (OH wants hers to stay original, so that will just get cleaned, regreased and polished over winter). So far I have acquired some nicer rims, and an...
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    Worrying my bike may be too big

    True, that is what they had. All I'm saying is I haven't heard stories of that happening. We'll never know. Or, probably, care. :lol: It may look odd, but if you aren't having terrible, manhood damaging accidents it doesn't matter what size the frame is. So long as the contact points(pedals...
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    Anyone on here had experience of selling on Etsy?

    Re: Re: Do it! If there's no upfront cost, it's all good. But definitely look at Folksy (UK) and Dawanda (Europe). They are both cheaper to sell on.
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    Worrying my bike may be too big

    I've always wondered if that really happened. I mean, if you look at old pictures of "Rough Stuff" type riding groups, the frames they ride on are enormous by modern standards. And if you go back past about 1989ish, the advice for sizing a mountain bike was an inch smaller than a tourer. You...
  16. B

    How long would you wait for a gold trader to post something?

    Re: Re: I deliberately didn't name you in the post. I just wanted to know what to do next, as this has never happened to me before in all the time I've been buying or selling on Retrobike. More detailed PM back to you. There is no need to air our dirty laundry in public.
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    Worrying my bike may be too big

    In nice colours. I want some to match my ano chainrings.
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    Worrying my bike may be too big

    It depends. If you are happy with it, feel comfortable, not too stretched out, etc., it isn't too big. These bikes are old now. And we getting old too, which means we are probably less keen on the head down, bum up riding position adopted by fit, young men. My riding style is different now...
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    How long would you wait for a gold trader to post something?

    Bought an item from here nearly two weeks ago. I paid by bank transfer. The payment arrived with the seller a week ago last Friday. They said they couldn't post till the Monday, which I thought was fair enough. No word from them by last Wednesday, so I sent a message. It was something I needed...