Racks for shopping bike conversion?

I've been experimenting with DIY racks and bags, as I've decided I'm going to tour again, and I can't afford to replace my old Carradice stuff (I was burgled a couple of years ago, and it all went).

I have been using East German daysacks, £4.50 each! Very waterproof, and nearly the ideal size (about half the capacity of my Carradice super Cs, but 1/10 the price).


I will take pictures of the modifications I've made at some point. Basically a bit of correx to stop the bags folding into the wheels.

As for racks, I have a set of Minoura Gamohs. They are OK, but the front is too big a platform. You can't carry much on it without really ruining the handling. Again, I have some homemade ones that are much better, made of stainless bar bolted together.

And when it's time for a little refreshment:

Honestly I think weight on the front is better for the handling than weight on the back, but everyone seems to be keen on the rear racks so I don't know.
Weight on the front is fine, but only if it doesn't move around.

The Minoura I have puts most of the weight over and in front of the front axle. If you turn the bars fast, it tries to keep turning them when you stop. You do better hanging bags off the side like lowriders, but then sometimes I have grounded them.

My latest experiment is a rack that mounts to the top tube, but it's not finished yet.

Thanks for all your suggestions!
In the end i went for Topeak Super Tourist DX rack which was 15 quid in Halford's clearance bin because the fixing bolts were missing, and elsewhere got a pair of Altura Arran 46L discounted to 45 pounds from 69.99, clearing their older stock. The salesman showed me the new stock and only difference is slightly different logo and zip pulls. Score!

First ride today, 18kg groceries. Handles ok, better than i expected. No doubt many of you will be used to carrying load on bikes but for me it's the first time (since paper rounds in the 80s with heavy sling bag) and i got a really good feeling about doing the weekly grocery run without using the car. Convenient! Zero pollution! No traffic jam! No fighting for parking space! Fitness!


  • IMG_8607.JPG
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Great stuff! You get used to the extra weight really fast. When unloaded your bike suddenly feels like a jet fighter too!
A pal of mine rode down the US Pacific Coast on exactly the same bike as that, similarly loaded.

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