Dirt Disciple
Greeting folks - New to the forum - (as of 26th March 2022) - Did look for a 'Newb' section, but didn't find one.
Have never been considered a 'cyclist' per-se - Far more into large Japanese M/cycles (& former lorry-driver/car owner)
However, since my first bike was (a lovely) "New" Elswick Hopper (circa 196
, in Metallic Turquiose & Candy-Apple Red....
I then moved on to an 'Edwards' 26inch "Racing Bike" during the summer of 1972 - Loved it, still got it, somewhere !
M/cycle accident (got knocked-off my 1,000cc Kawasaki), led to me "getting back" in to cycling - In 1998
Bought a lovely (expensive at the time) Claud Butler - a 'Hammer LX' which I still have & love dearly.
Now, fast forward to 2022 & the urge to buy another bike (or two), is fuelled by latterday Health/Fitness/Fuel-Prices.
So, I saw an advert, last weekend, for this "British Eagle Boss Equipe" - Looked nice & was only a laughable £30.00
Back when the advert was posted, it just said "Two Claud Butler Bikes", no mention of it's true-name !!!!
Being utterly clueless about bikes, I had to do night-time detective work, via the internet, dividing & filtering.....
Eventually, perseverance paid-off - Sadly, via a "Stolen Bike" forum/site - Found a "near identical model", so.....
I've joined THIS forum, in the (vain?), hope of maybe finding out some more about it, plus, any advice, etc.
First things first - I'd like to accurately 'date it', if that's remotely possible ?
An aircraft-enthusiast friend of mine, who's also a keen-cyclist, thinks it's between 1988-1996 ish (?)
Everything works just fine on it, it seems well looked-after - Brakes are fine, plenty of 'meat' left, etc.
Couldn't tell (before purchase) what the tyres were like - skinny 'road-tyres' - Not my thing AT ALL
But at just £30.00 all-in, couldn't turn it down.
Besides, it came with another (better) bike - Another Claud Butler - Again, fine condition, just £30.00
As I'd bought BOTH (on the spot), Husband & Wife let me have 'em for £55.00 the pair (£27.00 & £28.00 respectively)
In time, I'd really like to give them (both) higher-raised "flat bars", more to suit my sheer size & height.
Am unsure of the 'Headstock' sizes (steering column?), due to my uber-lame knowledge of pushbikes
Would sure LOVE to raise-up the handlebar heights (front stock), as I'm now in my very early sixties
Anyone have ANY remote idea of it's actual age AND what size headstock 'stem raiser' size(s) I might need ?
Primarily, I'd like to know it's "date" of manufacture & maybe even where it was made ?
I'll also attach THREE photo's
Photograph No.1 is of the one seen on the 'Stolen Bikes' site, which helped me to I.D the make/type/name
Photograph No.2 , by chance, is one that I saw over on E-Bay UK last weekend - "New Old Stock" (defunct shop)
Photograph No.3 , well, that's the one I've just bought - P.S. ; Photo' is from the Gumtree site, where I saw it from
I did notice that the front-forks on mine ARE DARK BLUE, rather than the other TWO - (which are White only)
Figured that it might help, when trying to accurately date it ?
Appreciate ANY help - Especially regards to the Handlebar 'conversion' I'd like to attempt, at some later-date.
Cheers, "Hawny" (Newb)
Above is the Boss Equipe seen on the 'Stolen Bikes' page, from circa 2012 - (Which helped me I.D "it")
Above is the bike (for sale), seen this week, over on E-Bay U.K - (New/Old Stock from a defunct Bricks n' Mortar shop)
Above ; Finally, here's the one that I picked-up last weekend, for just £27.00 all-in & works just fine...
Have never been considered a 'cyclist' per-se - Far more into large Japanese M/cycles (& former lorry-driver/car owner)
However, since my first bike was (a lovely) "New" Elswick Hopper (circa 196

I then moved on to an 'Edwards' 26inch "Racing Bike" during the summer of 1972 - Loved it, still got it, somewhere !
M/cycle accident (got knocked-off my 1,000cc Kawasaki), led to me "getting back" in to cycling - In 1998
Bought a lovely (expensive at the time) Claud Butler - a 'Hammer LX' which I still have & love dearly.
Now, fast forward to 2022 & the urge to buy another bike (or two), is fuelled by latterday Health/Fitness/Fuel-Prices.
So, I saw an advert, last weekend, for this "British Eagle Boss Equipe" - Looked nice & was only a laughable £30.00
Back when the advert was posted, it just said "Two Claud Butler Bikes", no mention of it's true-name !!!!
Being utterly clueless about bikes, I had to do night-time detective work, via the internet, dividing & filtering.....
Eventually, perseverance paid-off - Sadly, via a "Stolen Bike" forum/site - Found a "near identical model", so.....
I've joined THIS forum, in the (vain?), hope of maybe finding out some more about it, plus, any advice, etc.
First things first - I'd like to accurately 'date it', if that's remotely possible ?
An aircraft-enthusiast friend of mine, who's also a keen-cyclist, thinks it's between 1988-1996 ish (?)
Everything works just fine on it, it seems well looked-after - Brakes are fine, plenty of 'meat' left, etc.
Couldn't tell (before purchase) what the tyres were like - skinny 'road-tyres' - Not my thing AT ALL
But at just £30.00 all-in, couldn't turn it down.
Besides, it came with another (better) bike - Another Claud Butler - Again, fine condition, just £30.00
As I'd bought BOTH (on the spot), Husband & Wife let me have 'em for £55.00 the pair (£27.00 & £28.00 respectively)
In time, I'd really like to give them (both) higher-raised "flat bars", more to suit my sheer size & height.
Am unsure of the 'Headstock' sizes (steering column?), due to my uber-lame knowledge of pushbikes
Would sure LOVE to raise-up the handlebar heights (front stock), as I'm now in my very early sixties
Anyone have ANY remote idea of it's actual age AND what size headstock 'stem raiser' size(s) I might need ?
Primarily, I'd like to know it's "date" of manufacture & maybe even where it was made ?
I'll also attach THREE photo's
Photograph No.1 is of the one seen on the 'Stolen Bikes' site, which helped me to I.D the make/type/name
Photograph No.2 , by chance, is one that I saw over on E-Bay UK last weekend - "New Old Stock" (defunct shop)
Photograph No.3 , well, that's the one I've just bought - P.S. ; Photo' is from the Gumtree site, where I saw it from
I did notice that the front-forks on mine ARE DARK BLUE, rather than the other TWO - (which are White only)
Figured that it might help, when trying to accurately date it ?
Appreciate ANY help - Especially regards to the Handlebar 'conversion' I'd like to attempt, at some later-date.
Cheers, "Hawny" (Newb)

Above is the Boss Equipe seen on the 'Stolen Bikes' page, from circa 2012 - (Which helped me I.D "it")

Above is the bike (for sale), seen this week, over on E-Bay U.K - (New/Old Stock from a defunct Bricks n' Mortar shop)

Above ; Finally, here's the one that I picked-up last weekend, for just £27.00 all-in & works just fine...