Zaskar Frame Repair


GT Fan
So, managed to score a nice 1997 20" Zaskar off eBay last week, turned up yesterday. Initial impressions were good, a load of nice kit on it including USE Ti post & matching 217's with barely any wear.

Bad points were that it's not a 20" at all - it's an 18. As we all know with old GT's, the actual bb - top of the seat tube is 2" larger than the actual size. So fair play to the seller who didn't know what they were doing, I should have asked her to send me a pic of the drop out & frame number.

Other bad point - the frame's been damaged in transit. Dent right in the middle of the GT sticker on the downtube. It's not huge, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be riding it. Any way this can be repaired short of replacing the tube?

Which one was it on ebay? Sure it was damaged in transit?

Was it sent insured?

How bad is the dent?

So many questions..

It was the northern Ireland collection only one. I'd cleverly (or so I thought) contacted a LBS & had them box it and I arranged a courier so was dead easy for the seller - and she was happy with that.

Yes, def happened in transit, it was insured for more than I paid for it (£167!) but parcelhero clearly want to contest it.

The dent / crease is about an inch from to to bottom. It's pretty minor, but on a downtube it's v noticeable and I'm sure will structurally weaken the frame, which I was planing on riding.

You paid 166 and it was insured for 167?

You'd probably get more than 167 parting it out. Assuming the dent is terminal.

Try to post some pics of the dent. Some of the experts on here will know if it's repairable. Most things can be repaired. Just depends on how much you're willing to spend.

Dents and aluminum don't mix. Sorry to hear it. Aluminum is too soft. Trying to remove the dent will weaken the frame further. Was it ball burnished or painted? If the dent is minor and you want a painted frame you might get away with using body filler and repainting. That's a judgment call.
A dent in the middle of the tube where you describe will have no serious structural effect on the frame.

Its a low stress area and as long as the dent is 'smooth' without sharp edges or 'lightening' type cracks it will be fine although very annoying!

If it had been on the underside by the head tube, then you'd have to worry.

Of course, if you dont trust it or want it.... :p

Thanks all, I'll try to pop a pic up later. It was insured for a couple of hundred so going through parcelhero to see what they can do. Pretty cheesed off as its a lovely frameset otherwise!
ouch, that's a dent that is

BTW I saw that one and was almost tempted to plan a trip over to pick it up. Then I sobered up. Nice bike though, real shame its been damaged.