Zaskar Frame Repair

Its not that bad - it is in a low stress area, further around the tube, then yes, its iffy but where it is now wouldnt be a cause for concern for every day riding.

I'll add my own frame is battered! Its still going and shows no signs of folding around me.
I'm with LGF - I'd ride that without hesitation.

if the looks bother you then could try to source another set of decals, remove the existing, fill and place new stickers in a fractionally different position...

Or sell the frame on super cheap to someone who's happy to accept it for what it is.
I would ride it if the frame was steel. And then one day replace the tube. But alu? No way I would ride this...

Vote for riding here as well! My (aluminium) 8 Freight cargo bike has a much worse dent than that on part of it's basket structure, in the middle of the tube of course. Hasn't stopped me lumping 80-100 odd kilos on it though :)

Without sounding like a doom monger I'm a bit more concerned about the marks around the top of the head tube, under the headset cup. Some look like grease/dust marks, but the one to the far left (near the weld) looks a bit iffy - I'm hoping it isn't a crack?
A real shame to see this, but even if its safe to ride, i couldnt look down and see that dent every time!
Personally in my head, it would be a write off and would have to change frame..