Zaskar BB help please!


Dirt Disciple
Morning all

Took this:

out for it's first ride this morning - my commute to work. Two small issues with the BB I hope someone can help with

1. By the time I got here, both crank bolts had worked themselves loose. I can't recall how much pressure I put into tightening them, but I'm wondering how much is right? Should I tighten them till I'm red in the face and panting, or just sweating slightly? I don't have a torque wrench by the way :(

2. My heal is clipping the drive side chainstay when pedalling. Do I need a wider bottom bracket axle? I think it's a 116 axle at the mo.

Any idea on these 2 issues would be much appreciated

Thanks all!
I cannot remember if M952 is square taper of the first Octalink.

Assuming it's square taper , I do the bolts up as tightly as I can with a normal 8mm Allen key (say 100mm long). After 50 miles I then retighten. Whatever you do, DO NOT RIDE WITH LOOSE CRANKS. You will destroy the tapers very quickly and they will never stay tight again.

The early Octalink cranks had problems with loosening and Shimano had a second try with longer splines.
Thanks Hamster

I have re-tightened when I got here, 2 miles max with them loose. They are Octalink though, if that helps.
as long as there's a few mm gap between crank and chainstay, then the bb spindle should be fine, length-wise... If your heels are hitting the chainstays, check the alignment of your clips in the pedals, as that's not related to the BB issue..

As for the bolts, you only have to do them up tight, shouldn't break a sweat doing it. Strange that they keep undoing.. :? :? :?