Your biggest frustration with retro bikes

makster":28yits83 said:
The History Man":28yits83 said:

Amen to that!!

Right on brother - the 'lounge'

Do we have a post of the month award...? :mrgreen:

legrandefromage":28yits83 said:
daj":28yits83 said:
That they are actually quite shit!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Quote taken from the forthcoming autobiography:

'Daj - I'm grumpy because I just cant ride a bike properly'

in some countries available as:

'Daj - Ich bin ein mürrischer Spatenstich'

with the tag line:

'Ich kann ein Mountainbike nicht reiten, mein Leben geschweige denn ein altes speichern'
Selling a component, then a month later discovering that you needed it after all.

That, and the space issues already mentioned, but the thing which I find most frustrating is not being able to find cheap early 80s Ritcheys! :LOL: