Your biggest frustration with retro bikes


Old School Grand Master
Not the site silly

For me being a big unit the hardest issue has been the rarity of decent 21 inch bikes
Stuck seat posts :evil:

Looking for a particular part for ages then logging in to RB to find it... only to scroll down and find it sold 5 minutes before :evil:
Constantly knowing that there is always something that needs finishing.
Always having to search for something and always trying to find somewhere to put it all.
The trouble sourcing drive-train parts, such as cassettes (NOS XT 8-speed cassettes are nearly impossible to find) and especially 5 bolt chain-rings in an 94/58 BCD. With those wear and tear items, it'll get harder and harder to keep the bikes running.
daj":1esmxoqh said:
That they are actually quite shit!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Quote taken from the forthcoming autobiography:

'Daj - I'm grumpy because I just cant ride a bike properly'

in some countries available as:

'Daj - Ich bin ein mürrischer Spatenstich'

with the tag line:

'Ich kann ein Mountainbike nicht reiten, mein Leben geschweige denn ein altes speichern'