You all ride rubbish bikes!

Two things:

Obviously you/we believe that viewpoint is rubbish as members of a site dedicated to the preserving, riding and enjoyment of 'old bikes'. If you posted an article from Privateer lauding a quality retro bike on the MBUK forum there would be endless misspelt, grammatically incorrect, poorly worded, swear-word riddled posts decrying the article as nonsense.

The magazines are in the Business of selling new bikes (as already pointed out), but they are also partly to blame for the downfall in MTB sales in this country (as are the manufacturers) - the rapidity with which 'standards' are changed and 'upgrades' are deemed necessary, combined with the price hikes for all this new technology has meant that new Mountain bike sales have been slowing for the last 2 years.
JamesM said:
Modern bikes (read full sussers) are harder to pedal up the hills but go lots faster down them. So on a modern bike you will spend more time riding up hill and less time riding down hill. How is that better??? ;) :LOL:[/quote

Brilliant logic !! :LOL:
Read this letter/response too. They eulogise about cheap frames by the likes of on one (which are good to be fair) but I got a 98 stumpy frame for around 50 quid. If there's a better new frame for that price I'd love to see it.
What is interesting is 2012 bikes...apparently not shifting at all as people are realising they represent terrible value for money.
superstu":1g2bdnzl said:
but I got a 98 stumpy frame for around 50 quid. If there's a better new frame for that price I'd love to see it.

Just playing devil's advocate, but I'm assuming your Stumpy frame does not have an ISCG mount, a disc mount and is set up for 120mm travel forks - ergo it is not really comparable.
As with all things in life, there is a balance to be struck. No doubt my modern 4" travel full suss allows me to be quicker down hill and does help me retain control over really rough terrain. A big advantage when riding at a trail centre.

If your riding is with a map enjoying the hills the any bike will get you round. Old or new. I am really enjoying riding my old steel hardtail round the local woods. Its that riding that got me hooked in the first place. I would prefer more rigid forks though. Its not old vs modern, its about flex. Designs have moved on since the 90's forks.

The true path to hapiness is not about possessions its about experiences, so don't worry about what you ride, just ride.
Tazio":20kkilvh said:
This months MBUK has a letter in it from some one talking about building up an old bike for fun and talking about the "current" retro craze. The letters editor replies by saying that it's great fun to build up old bikes as it reminds you how bad bikes used to be.

So the editor of a Magazine that is funded by its advertising replies that old bikes are crap and new bikes are good and your surprised?

What don't you understand? The vast majority of his advertisers sell new bikes or components, import new bikes or components or make new bikes or components. What sort of a half wit would the man be to say, "yes you're quite right, you can have just as much fun on your old bike as a new one, no need to spend money on a new bike or new widget to make you have more fun".

If the vast majority of his advertisers sold second hand bikes/bits or refurbished old stuff then I'm sure his "opinions" would be somewhat different.

If you're amazed that the editor isn't honest, Google Gerald Ratner. In summary he was CEO of a huge chain of jewlery stores. He was asked how he could sell a cut glass decanter with glasses for such a low price, he responded "because it's crap". He also commented that he sold earrings for less than an M&S sandwich but that the sandwich would last longer. A few days later the firms stock plummeted by half a BILLION POUNDS and nearly collapsed.

Please never become a management consultant or business adviser. Stick to having fun riding old bikes.
I ride Retro because I want to, I dont need some crap magazine telling me what I need or dont need to ride.
The amount of money Ive spent over the last two years or so on Retro bikes I could get ANY up to the minute modern bike I wanted but I haven't and I dont regret it so pi## off MTB UK :x
Just playing devil's advocate, but I'm assuming your Stumpy frame does not have an ISCG mount, a disc mount and is set up for 120mm travel forks - ergo it is not really comparable.

To carry on, but it's frame geometry is pretty similar after fork correction, and the wheels are pretty similar, so differences in ride quality will be rather comparable. Disc mounts would be nice, but V's and maguras are not hopeless, and the 'need' for big play forks is well overrated. How many people really exploit 120mm travel forks over 80mm. Not many at all. What's left - how the tubes feel and work

The ultimate argument is of course compariing like with like. Compare a steel Cinder Cone to a newer hydroformed Al one - what an abject disaster they (and any other hydroformed bike) are.

I have a Bontrager with XT and nice forks, and I can even get disks on the front. If I look at a modern bike it sort of looks the same to me.

It's always been a hobby where buying the latest tat has been popular, and damn any real improvements. A lot of stuff now is rubbish though to be fair a lot of the CNC'd stuff from the past was also all show and no go.