You all ride rubbish bikes!

cce":1emoxk1h said:
shall we all write into mbuk with this?

No, just buy more Privateer's than MBUK sales - then they might get the message.

But I doubt it.

I'm not 19 anymore, I dont look forward to next years 'new', I sit and think about all the money I've spent on 'new' with 'new' not living up to expectations and 'new' being a disappointment. Then discovering 'old' was no-where near as bad as I remember so 'old' took over. With 'old' costing half as much as 'new', the magazine purchasing stopped and 'new' became forgotten with 'new old' taking the place of 'new' and new 'old' was discovered.

I sit and think of all the money I've spent on 'old' and 'new old' and how much it has exceeded expectation and has cost half as much as 'new'.
I know I'm suffering a bit after a lousy night, and regretting swapping my day off this week, but I'm as sure as I can be that I agree with that wholeheartedly... ;)
Tazio":35m2a5kt said:
longun":35m2a5kt said:
well, tbh, mbuk is still as shit now as it was back then. we only like reading old mbuks cos we like the old bikes and adverts. new ones are only worth recycling lol

I only bought it as it had a free waterproof phone pouch :oops:

Is the pouch any good, or should I just buy one from eBay?
Doomanic":3ogwajhd said:
Tazio":3ogwajhd said:
longun":3ogwajhd said:
well, tbh, mbuk is still as shit now as it was back then. we only like reading old mbuks cos we like the old bikes and adverts. new ones are only worth recycling lol

I only bought it as it had a free waterproof phone pouch :oops:

Is the pouch any good, or should I just buy one from eBay?

It's very good :oops:
legrandefromage":1n5i9d4c said:
cce":1n5i9d4c said:
shall we all write into mbuk with this?

No, just buy more Privateer's than MBUK sales - then they might get the message.

But I doubt it.

I'm not 19 anymore, I dont look forward to next years 'new', I sit and think about all the money I've spent on 'new' with 'new' not living up to expectations and 'new' being a disappointment. Then discovering 'old' was no-where near as bad as I remember so 'old' took over. With 'old' costing half as much as 'new', the magazine purchasing stopped and 'new' became forgotten with 'new old' taking the place of 'new' and new 'old' was discovered.

I sit and think of all the money I've spent on 'old' and 'new old' and how much it has exceeded expectation and has cost half as much as 'new'.

thats kinda how i feel
MADJEZ":2lia4t0w said:
Flicked through one recently, it had a test on 'Entry level hardtails for £1500'. Since when was £1500 entry level ! They are effectively saying a £500 or a £1000 by a decent manufacturer is a BSO.

Entry level hardtails for £1500 ? Really? That just made my day.

My (2011 model) Copperhead was less than £1K and it's XT from top to bottom. I guess XTR is entry level then. It's a good thing I'm not in the UK, otherwise I might have paid them a visit and showed what a "sub-entry level" bike can do to their £2K+ sweethearts (of which £1K+ is just for the brand name).
Read a recent, purposefuly preachy, article in singletrack along the same lines. Old is bad, new is good, blah blah. You can get a good old bike for 100 quid. That sounds good to me! All this finacial trouble comes from this new is good, buy on credit attitude, blah blah.
The way I see it, the hills are still the same size, and the bumps are still as bumpy, and my bikes are still only as fast as I can/dare ride. Is a new bike going to make me faster? Possibly. But I don't race, so I have no need to go faster.

Mountain biking has always been a fasion led industry, and the magazines are only there to sell you new stuff.
Read the editors reply as well and was appalled by the comment but others have said the magazine Is out to help sell new bikes. I can't afford to buy new bikes which is why I've gone retro and have bought 3 lovely Retro bikes for less than £400. Two of which were in excellent condition and needed little wok done on them and were ready to ride. The 3rd bike the Claud Butler needed a service and some parts but nothing major and is a great ride.
Modern bikes (read full sussers) are harder to pedal up the hills but go lots faster down them. So on a modern bike you will spend more time riding up hill and less time riding down hill. How is that better??? ;) :LOL: