Yeti build thread. Not in the wrong section.

I see someone on Singletrack has questioned the "cheatingness" of laser cutting vs. 3D printing.

The way I look at it is this;

A laser cutter cuts shapes out of a flat sheet of material. Once these pieces are cut, there is still assembly and filler/fettling to be done.
Essentially all the laser is doing is cutting bits out that theoretically could be cut and filed by hand but would take ages. It saves an awful lot time, a bit like using an electric drill instead of a brace and bit, or combine harvester vs. scythe.

A 3D printer, on the other hand, makes stuff. Simple as that. You press a button and some time later you have a fully realised 3D part that only requires a certain amount of surface finishing. I have nothing against 3D printers or 3D printing, in fact I think it's brilliant and use it an increasing amount in my professional work. What is particularly exciting about it is how it allows you to make things that would be impossible to make any other way.

In a nutshell, it's a bit like painting a picture vs. taking a photograph. There are some tremendous photographs that require a great deal of skill, knowledge and preparation, but it is a different route to the end result to a painting.
This is the issue with sharing stuff on the net. Be prepared for some uneducated dumb-arse comments from keyboard warriors who look at something for 5min if that. 🤷‍♂️🤪🤣

Without a laser cutter I dread to think how long this would have taken! There is no disputing you have the skills... 💪😎
This is the issue with sharing stuff on the net. Be prepared for some uneducated dumb-arse comments from keyboard warriors who look at something for 5min if that. 🤷‍♂️🤪🤣

Without a laser cutter I dread to think how long this would have taken! There is no disputing you have the skills... 💪😎

I think "dumb-arse" and "keyboard warrior" might be a little strong. Uneducated, yes, but hopefully now educated. 🎓
I hope my previous post doesn't come across as taking the hump, it was not intended as such.

To be honest, without a laser cutter I doubt it would have even occured me to make this.
I think "dumb-arse" and "keyboard warrior" might be a little strong. Uneducated, yes, but hopefully now educated. 🎓
I hope my previous post doesn't come across as taking the hump, it was not intended as such.

To be honest, without a laser cutter I doubt it would have even occured me to make this.
This forum is friendlier than most, so you're pretty safe here. 🤗

Your post was super informative and was a great explanation of the process.

The phrase 3D printing is chucked about a lot, but even that process in itself isn't straight forward with setting up and post print cleaning up. Not to mention all the various methods/machines you can use depending on time/material/budget.

Keep up the great work/posts! 💪