Yet another lava dome!!! (1994)

Love the paint on this generation of Kona -- very much part of their appeal, IMO. Reading all the tips about patching / restoring with great interest.

A vote for Nitto bars here -- these are the 'For Shred' bars I found for my protracted Unit build.

Haha MX bar all day long, is this a trick question??? Well OK, maybe the nitto b80whatever maybe. Which I will admit is very pretty.

Part of it is, I just think a BMX stem works. Works aesthetically and works geometry wise, so, paired with some nice Renthals it gets me comfy but doesn't screw up the handling too much.

Nitto will be quite a bit lighter, I'll say that. But not as butch any way you cut it
its interesting how the simple addition of a cross brace suddenly changes the vibe entirely
shape wise (inc rise) they appear pretty much identical to the Nitto B802s, - a chunk wider of course - but just look a lot more hardcore :)
brakes and derailleur arrived today so lots of cleaning small parts (almost lost one of the bushings for the derailleur pulleys down the sink!)

hit a bit of a snag though I purchased some cool looking old tektro cantis for this - Tektro RBP 866 if I'm right. they look like these ones anyway:


They kinda look a little like Graftons if you don't look too closely :)

How these actually fit onto the brake bosses properly had me stumped for most of the day - one arm is fairly straightforward (the one with the quick release hook), but the other side has a significantly shorter/ wider spring and has an additional bushing that fits over the boss and for a good few hours I couldn't work out how the hell that side was supposed to work

eventually after doing some googling, I worked out that theres a 'doodah' that fits over the boss before that arm/spring assembly goes on that takes up the 'spare room' on the boss and is presumably there as some kind of frankly pretty bodgy tension adjuster (this doodah is the odd angled darker coloured thing at the bottom right of the photo - on the ebay set above it seems to be a single piece with the bushing, but on the ones I bought the bushing itself is separate)

Anyway, having now worked out how the damn things are supposed to go on, I seem to be missing one of the said doodahs (the risk of cheap 2nd hand internet purchases I guess) - and also one of the cone washers that sits under the main break bolt (maybe less of an issue, but still a bummer)

I have gone back to the seller to ask if maybe these were somehow left out but given these apparently didn't come of their own bike, I am not getting my hopes up...

don't suppose anybody has any of these missing bits spare?


I can get another complete set of the bay of course, but at that point the expense seems like its not worth it - don't think these were particularly 'posh' when new BITD
if I can get these to work I think they might have enough adjustment range for 27.5 inch wheels which could be an interesting variation....