Yellow Hobbs winter beater of distinction (WBOD)

Slight annoyance this morning that my rear mudguard mount only lasted one commute, but nothing a couple of cable ties couldn't temporarily fix:



My commute is pretty rough in patches because the roads are in dreadful condition so I'll obviously need to beef this up a bit. I'll probably re-make it more like the front one, where it's rivetted onto the guard itself but I'll use screws. Then it'll mean I'll be able to take it off and replace it.

Also, randomly, helped a colleague with a puncture yesterday and three ball bearings fell out my tool roll. Quick check with the Vernier told me they were just under 4mm, which makes them 5/32" headset balls:


I remember I was seemingly one ball short when I put the headset back together but didn't give it much thought because you don't have to run the bearing races completely full. Three short might be not be helping the notchiness in my headset though.

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