
perry":1qztei4v said:
i thought the first thing you learn in engineering is triangulation .
No, it's maths. :cry: ;)

Engineers prefer to make things from straight components because they exhibit the same behaviour along their entire length. If something's curved, it's response changes along its length. And then you have to use some pretty scary mathematics (calculus) to model it. :shock:

Okay, I've bored you guys enough... :)

P.S. People are actually bidding for this interesting contraption....
I thought for a moment that Gibbleking was selling his San Andreas, but then realised it's not colourful enough...
Wow, that thing is badly made. A bike made by someone who's never made a bike before. Or worked with bikes before.

Ask any bike shop mechanic and one of the last things they want to hear from a customer is "actually I'm a qualified engineer, and I think..."

Have a look at the front V-brake setup. Bad pad setup, poor wheel dishing or, worse, incorrect boss placement?

I'd really like to see this thing in the flesh to see just how shonky (but well-polished) it is...

: P
The frame reminds me of something, but I can't think what....

Map of the London Underground? :?
So far there have been 9 different bidders :shock:
Perhaps he should put it into production, looks like there's a demand :LOL: