WTD: Univega catalogues


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
As far as I can tell there is currently there is a real lack of information about Univega bikes available anywhere on the internet.
There must be somebody out there who still has some catalogues, magazine reviews or other information somewhere.

So please have a look and let's see what can be turned up...
I found a 92 Univega Catalogue while trying to narrow down the year of the Team Alpina I picked up- I'll try to attach it.


  • Univega 1992.pdf
    3.7 MB · Views: 228
We do have a pretty complete overview of Univega brochures in the german Forum.
Please check this post and the following posts

I'm happy to upload here too, once there is a bit of better clarity about the archive or guidance where and how to add it to Media or Resources sections.
I've a couple from around 1995/1996 from memory. Haven't time to completely scan them at the moment but I can look up and share individual pages if any members want something specific.
I've a couple from around 1995/1996 from memory. Haven't time to completely scan them at the moment but I can look up and share individual pages if any members want something specific.
actually, especially the 1995/96 ones, the later ones before Univega was bought by Derby are pretty interesting as not available somewhere else.
Just wanted to encourage you to scan ideally the entire catalogs. Thanks
just an overview with links (maybe it's fine to point mostly to other sites):

1983 here in the Archive

1984, 1985

(source of pictures: https://univegacatalogs.wordpress.com/)


up to 1990 all catalogs had been for USA, Mid 1990 Univega was introduced to EU markets, e.g. Germany

1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995 Auslaufmodelle (= mid season models), all german

1994 polish (other than that similar to german one), 1994 french
BTW: I do have 92 and 93 (both german) meanwhile twice. If someone is interested, just let me know...

Hey, we're missing a few ones still!
1991 (desperately missing), a full 1995 and maybe 1996 and 97 before Univega was sold to Derby and Ben Lawee times had been over...
Please help to find those.