Wtd! Small retro bike for wife, all considered

What's the budget here, if I may be so blunt? :oops: PM me I have some feather light exotica in the small size you require? :cool:
No idea if it's the right size or style but I have a 1995 Jamis Dakar full suss with mostly full M737 XT kit, Judy's and Control Tech.

Let me know if this would fit the bill.
Dave Yates Diabolo?

Custom built British steel from 1991 with full, period correct XT groupset.
Thx for all offers... Maybe into the Yates..... Any pics?

Oh and the sneaker... It's not on here, but it is for sale.
Nos and unridden.. Lovely, think its around that figure.
Pm sent to u.