WTD cheap super short stem 1 1/8" 25.4


Devout Dirtbag

I'm after a super short stem for my sons bike which is slightly too big for him. (carrera blast)

direct mount would be ideal.
not bothered about brand, weight, colour etc.

cheap as possible including postage.

I think I have a 30-50mm stem for £5 posted if I can find it.

Also may have a 0mm but that'll be about £20 as its Azonic
TranZ X , 50mm, £7 inc post? Don't go too short on the stem, it'll handle funny. Have you tried reversing the seatpost to shorten the reach?

not tried reversing the seatpost.
would that be safe?
(i assume as he weighs much less than an adult it wouldn't matter)
I know of no reason why not - it's commonly done by bike shops to get a growing child onto a bike that's a bit too big. :)
I've got a matt black Amoeba stem you could have for £7 posted. That's if you don't take up the other options!i'll post pics if you're interested?