I actually like when the title is rubbish. It gives me a headstart to all other deal hunters. Also wrong spellings, like Treck, Gant, Special, etc that won't show in the alerts of most people...
But I agree that I don't get people selling for a huge asking price with a single terrible picture and nearly no description. "mountain bike. Great condition. 1000€". Would they buy their own stuff if they read their ads?
I rang my bell to pass someone last weekend on the canal whilst riding my Karakoram - my go-to that I've had for 3+ years and fine tuned the fit to perfection - just to get 3 yards past him and him shout to me that I need to raise my seat as it's too low. Thanks for that.
Worst: I mainly buy bikes or parts via mail/ courier. Too lazy/cheap to crank the old V8 up to pick them up and much more eco-friendlier this way. Rarely, if any problems occured during hundreds of transactions, carefully try to avoid dodgy deals anyway.
In Hungary old Schwinn MTBs are rare and I was after one (the steel PDG series) for a rather long time then for my collection. So I meet up with the seller, who is willing to sell me a PDG50 with DX, in a rather dilapidated state. No worries, seen worse, short babble, no examination, just chucked it in the car & off I went. In the shed it turned out: one size too small, alloy seatpost is stuck, and the BB threads are FUBAR, wasn't that cheap even, doh. Anyway, slowly I've rescued it, removed the sp., had it resprayed, even managed to a fit a BB into it.
Still too smal...
as rebuilt:
Funniest: couple of years ago I was selling a '92 Scott Pro Racing, with M735/Ritchey stuff (titan saddle & QRs), in nice condition. I bought it previously only for the OEM XTR set, and seemed too small, so I built it up with the next best ' XT group and advertised it in Hungary. Was asking a fair price, but noone seemed interested, retro biking wasn't a thing back then around here, a bit better now.
Anyway, after a long while a guy calls and arranges a pick-up at my place for the same weekday afternoon. Big black BMW comes, a huge, mean looking guy asks for the bike. I hand it over, he pays and asks for papers! I start making excuses that I don't have any of it about the bike, as it's an old-old bike, over 25 years old, so c'mon... He's asking only for some CARDBOARD PAPERS so his fancy beemer's interior would be safe... Turns out he's only a chance courier for his boss, who's a younger IT big-wig guy in the capital and collects top MTB models from the era, no cost spared and restores them to their former glory as hobby. A bit like me, apart from the budget...Good fellow, had some chats about retrobikes/buying stuff later.
This bike:
“Mountian and moutian bike” used to be one of my eBay searches as well as the old favourite mounting. Found a surprising amount of decent stuff with those!