Worst/Funniest experiences buying used bikes?

I actually like when the title is rubbish. It gives me a headstart to all other deal hunters. Also wrong spellings, like Treck, Gant, Special, etc that won't show in the alerts of most people...

But I agree that I don't get people selling for a huge asking price with a single terrible picture and nearly no description. "mountain bike. Great condition. 1000€". Would they buy their own stuff if they read their ads?
'Mounting bike' is another one that makes me chuckle.
and to add insult to injury when I said it would be too small for me he told me that I'm stupid because I wouldn't be able to ride a size bigger.
I rang my bell to pass someone last weekend on the canal whilst riding my Karakoram - my go-to that I've had for 3+ years and fine tuned the fit to perfection - just to get 3 yards past him and him shout to me that I need to raise my seat as it's too low. Thanks for that.
Worst: I mainly buy bikes or parts via mail/ courier. Too lazy/cheap to crank the old V8 up to pick them up and much more eco-friendlier this way. Rarely, if any problems occured during hundreds of transactions, carefully try to avoid dodgy deals anyway.

In Hungary old Schwinn MTBs are rare and I was after one (the steel PDG series) for a rather long time then for my collection. So I meet up with the seller, who is willing to sell me a PDG50 with DX, in a rather dilapidated state. No worries, seen worse, short babble, no examination, just chucked it in the car & off I went. In the shed it turned out: one size too small, alloy seatpost is stuck, and the BB threads are FUBAR🤬☹️, wasn't that cheap even, doh. Anyway, slowly I've rescued it, removed the sp., had it resprayed, even managed to a fit a BB into it.
Still too smal...😔
as rebuilt:
schwinn rescued.webp
Funniest: couple of years ago I was selling a '92 Scott Pro Racing, with M735/Ritchey stuff (titan saddle & QRs), in nice condition. I bought it previously only for the OEM XTR set, and seemed too small, so I built it up with the next best ' XT group and advertised it in Hungary. Was asking a fair price, but noone seemed interested, retro biking wasn't a thing back then around here, a bit better now.

Anyway, after a long while a guy calls and arranges a pick-up at my place for the same weekday afternoon. Big black BMW comes, a huge, mean looking guy asks for the bike. I hand it over, he pays and asks for papers! I start making excuses that I don't have any of it about the bike, as it's an old-old bike, over 25 years old, so c'mon... He's asking only for some CARDBOARD PAPERS so his fancy beemer's interior would be safe... Turns out he's only a chance courier for his boss, who's a younger IT big-wig guy in the capital and collects top MTB models from the era, no cost spared and restores them to their former glory as hobby. A bit like me, apart from the budget...Good fellow, had some chats about retrobikes/buying stuff later.
This bike:
scott pro.webp
FB marketplace/selling pages often produce some gems, anyone after a full sus hardtail?
