Old School Grand Master
A little thread for funny/horrific buying experiences. My most hilarious experience was about twenty years ago. I got a tip off there was a guy in Dundee selling up a tremendous amount of collectable British and European frames on account of a brutal divorce settlement (not in his favour!)
I turned up late to the show, it was the start of winter in Scotland, and it was just about getting dark at 6pm. A farm house too, in the middle of nowhere outside Broughty Ferry. It was already set for a good horror movie...!
When I got over the door there were already three other guys haggling over some very nice but kinda beat to sh#t vintage Hetchins. I had my eye on a Thanet Silverlight that either no one had noticed, or no one knew what it was (or how rare).
I was offered a beer (Belgian), and gladly necked it (it was a long drive for just one frame) and promptly offered the guy 100 quid for the Thanet. The other guys were too busy arguing the toss over the Hetchins. Very pleased with myself, I tried to make a sharp bee line exit for the door. As I left I saw two guys literally pulling see-saw style at a track curly frame, and the other guy giving it 'just f#kn well punch im!'.
To the strains of 'I saw it first', I passed the soon to be ex wife on the doorstep, who just rolled her eyes and said 'bloody cyclists'. Having sold a few bikes on my own doorstep, I guess I have an appreciation of what bike hoarders wives go through. They couldn't care less about your latest 'bargain buy'. If you're selling, they're happy. One less bike.
Bloody cyclists. Indeed
I turned up late to the show, it was the start of winter in Scotland, and it was just about getting dark at 6pm. A farm house too, in the middle of nowhere outside Broughty Ferry. It was already set for a good horror movie...!
When I got over the door there were already three other guys haggling over some very nice but kinda beat to sh#t vintage Hetchins. I had my eye on a Thanet Silverlight that either no one had noticed, or no one knew what it was (or how rare).
I was offered a beer (Belgian), and gladly necked it (it was a long drive for just one frame) and promptly offered the guy 100 quid for the Thanet. The other guys were too busy arguing the toss over the Hetchins. Very pleased with myself, I tried to make a sharp bee line exit for the door. As I left I saw two guys literally pulling see-saw style at a track curly frame, and the other guy giving it 'just f#kn well punch im!'.
To the strains of 'I saw it first', I passed the soon to be ex wife on the doorstep, who just rolled her eyes and said 'bloody cyclists'. Having sold a few bikes on my own doorstep, I guess I have an appreciation of what bike hoarders wives go through. They couldn't care less about your latest 'bargain buy'. If you're selling, they're happy. One less bike.
Bloody cyclists. Indeed