Worlds clothing, bad etiquette ?

Mike Muz 67":6ptywlpr said:
When I was younger , it was I thought an unwritten rule that you don't wear a world champions top , or a yellow jersey too for that matter . Unless you are the winner of those races .
Am I losing it , or was that the case ?
Yes, it always was in "proper" old school road clubs.
I know of several riders, in the past, who have been taken to one side and advised not to wear a WC/Yellow/polka dot jersey unless they can back it up on the road.
It used to be a rule for racing too, all the way down to 4th cat. Club or plain jerseys only. But i think thats been relaxed now, so you can regularly see WC/yellow jerseys going out of the back on any 4ths race. I *think* 3rds and above need team/plain kit.

So these days there is a massive market for this sort of jersey as there are a huge number of non-racing, racing cyclists, all dressed up in the latest kit, riding carbon and Dura Ace while they wobble round a sportive. They never race, so never need team kit. So buy what they want.

Then get in a sulk when someone asks them in which event they earned their WC stripes........ or complain when the local wobbly wheelers closed circuit race is too hard. :roll:
If someone turned up at a local time trial in a trade top , they were told to turn it inside out if they want to race . Would have been embarassing for them if they had matching shorts though :LOL: :facepalm:
Thankfully no-one did
Mike Muz 67":3qisp05e said:
If someone turned up at a local time trial in a trade top , they were told to turn it inside out if they want to race . Would have been embarassing for them if they had matching shorts though :LOL: :facepalm:
Thankfully no-one did
But not these days (thankfully). Club time trial events can now allow virtually anything but open events still only club or plain clothing. I did ride a club 10 in 1967 in a silk Helyett Fynsec jersey that came from Shay Elliot. Didn't make me any faster than normal though - but I did get a 'warning' not to do it again as it gave the 'wrong impression' to the younger club members. What the 'wrong impression' actually was didn't get explained.

However, 60's time trialling fastman Trevor Morgan often wore a silk rainbow jersey on his way to winning 25's on the Bath Rd. course. As the RTTC did not have any affiliation to the UCI (and still doesn't) then so long as the jersey didn't advertise anything it could be worn.

BC/BCF road , TT or track races etc. wouldn't allow it then or now because of the UCI connection.
Its a sliding scale really. To many of us a world champs jersey is the same as an Olympic medal or your granddads VC. Alright to wear if you are a kid on show and tell day but not as an adult. It's representative of an individuals success and has been earnt.

Its wrong unless it is yours by right of success or participation. Eg you can wear a GB shirt if you competed. In fact I would say that it should be worn on the right occasion.

Team kit brings out another argument. First why the **** would you have anyone's name on you unless you paid for it or at worse its the make of the garment eg Endura? Less objectionable with regard to old expired teams.
Why? Well like much of life, its just because that the way its done.

Some people suggest that wearing team kit supports a team. And just how is that? I would argue the same as above, if its team kit and you are not in the team you have no right to wear it. I would dispute even the teams moral right to sell it as it devalues it but that's up to them to decide not me I suppose.
Elitist. Not really but if so why not. My vague prejudice is that its all a bit sad but each to their own.
I don't subscribe to the fact that's it becoming ok as I don't see that modern attitudes are always good. Tradition has a lot going for it and I feel that it is a shame when valid traditions are diluted by those who are unaware of them.

Having said all that if you are so inclined to wear team kit good luck to you, it is up to you not some opinionated guru on the web and I would defend your right to take such an action, misguided though it might be. :LOL: . However you cannot be upset if some take umbrage.
I also object to mens hats indoors, failure to open doors for ladies and to have mobile phones switched on in pubs and cinemas.

Re club kit. I just couldn't rejoin my old club as their current colours are foul. Why is it that so many club colours are awful?

Oh yeah. Please don't mention the footy supporters wearing club kit. Do we really want to be tarred with the same brush?
I think this is the side of cycling I most detest, where there is some sort of 'unwritten code' and should not be transgressed... does it really matter? I ride what I want, wear what I want, Im not part of any club, any group and I enjoy riding on my own so there! :)
Spokesmann":6haomzqj said:
I think this is the side of cycling I most detest, where there is some sort of 'unwritten code' and should not be transgressed... does it really matter?

i don't think it really matters as such but i do think it's a bit rude, i also agree that it is a tradition that those jerseys are worn by those champs etc not the average joe. as far as unwritten code and detesting this part of cycling i think that's a little unfair to cycling as there are so called unwritten codes as such across so many parts of life that cycling doesn't stand out in this way to be detestable, but each to their own.

without wanting to compare the football thing i do think it mirrors the kit thing, fans wear their team kit in support but usually it has the name of their favourite player on the back but they are not pretending with their beer guts that they are that player, riders do a similar thing with team kit, bike etc and i don't mind that at all as i see it as a fan thing and the money from the sale of the kit will help support the team in some way, wearing the champs jersey is a step too far, just with the lack of respect.

i do find the club thing a little funny, the whole turn your top inside out etc, saw this a couple of times, luckily i used to race the odd TT in shop registered kit so was fine, but the argument i once saw was nothing short of hilarious! :LOL:

at the end of the day it's up to the person, the above and my previous comment are just that, my view.
I wear trade kit as it fits well and is a lot cheaper than non team kit . For me , there is the hero element as well , it also spurs you on to try harder , as you don't want to get overtaken by someone if you dress like a pro rider . I've yet to pass someone going up a climb in a polka dot jersey , but it's going to happen sooner or later .
Whether you like it or not , you will be paying to someone free advertising either way .
Unless you get rid of the clothing makers name . If you do , I suggest you talk to someone about it .
Always used to look forward to Geoffrey Butlers' Christmas sale , to see what bargains I could find , always team kit , as they wanted to make room for next years .

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