Work bikes

Are they Ortlieb back roller panniers? And what kind of rack. I'm going to buy panniers and rack. Both to do a few days touring. And the messages round town. Just looking for recommendatio s. Thanks.
They're Ortlieb back roller pannier bags and the rack is a tubus Evo. Great gear but pricey, however like most things, worth investing a bit if you plan to use it a lot :)
Ride to work almost every day, only about a mile... When it's sunny/dry I use one from my Cannondale collection. When rainy/wet I ride with a mid 90's singlespeed Sunn touring bike with fenders, STX RC brakes and XT PD-T8000 pedals.

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I must have missed this one. Such a gorgeous build! Might be just the motivation I need to raw my Genesis Day One.
I only just recently returned it to drop bars + cantilevers after running it with a flat bar + V-brakes through last winter.

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I must have missed this one. Such a gorgeous build! Might be just the motivation I need to raw my Genesis Day One.
I only just recently returned it to drop bars + cantilevers after running it with a flat bar + V-brakes through last winter.

View attachment 683779
I really like the close fitting mudguards - I fret about two contradictory things - looking rubbish (mudguards proud of tyres) and going over the bars (stick caught in mudguards fitted close to tyres). This looks nice but would terrify me. I think I’m going for a rear gen 1 crud guard on my Surly commuter, with front Mudhugger.

This….but 29 not 26…

I really like the close fitting mudguards - I fret about two contradictory things - looking rubbish (mudguards proud of tyres) and going over the bars (stick caught in mudguards fitted close to tyres). This looks nice but would terrify me. I think I’m going for a rear gen 1 crud guard on my Surly commuter, with front Mudhugger.

This….but 29 not 26…
Ha! Yes, it's quite tight. I wouldn't dream of running as tight of a fender gap with any sort of treaded tyre. Bald Gatorskins don't really pick up much :LOL:

You can't actually see it from this photo but the rivets that secure the stay brace to the fender itself dissolved long ago so the plastic fender is now held in place on the fender stay by cut up rubber bands made out of inner tube. This achieves two things; it holds the fender in place, but it also allows the fender to shift then snap back into place in the event somthing does get caught.

*Touch wood* no stick encounteres yet!

My main daily commuter uses the same fenders but they have little plastic clips down by the fork that allow the fender stays to break away in the event of the scenario you describe. Much more conservative gap however.

Apologies for 700c content...

I really like the close fitting mudguards - I fret about two contradictory things - looking rubbish (mudguards proud of tyres) and going over the bars (stick caught in mudguards fitted close to tyres). This looks nice but would terrify me. I think I’m going for a rear gen 1 crud guard on my Surly commuter, with front Mudhugger.

This….but 29 not 26…

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Try SKS veloflex. As few options as there are for MTBs full mudguards, I like how they look now, although not as sexy as tight full fitting ones!