Woodrup Framesets for other bicycle shops, etc

Mr Weirdo

Retro Guru

The only thing keeping me sane in this world at the moment while I stick my head in the sand are my bicycles.

On that note I had put up the subject of Steve Dunn framesets built by Woodrup but that didn't receive much response so to generalise it I have put up the title Woodrup which should catch a few fish?

Did Woodrup make frames for other people as in shops to sell under that shops name?

I assume this was not an uncommon practice?

Are there any tell tell signs that you would recognise straight away as a frame being built by Woodrup?

Does anyone have a frame set built for Dunn or anyone else by Woodrup, etc?

Where can I find a headset decal for Dunn?

Any other info is welcome as I find the history very interesting.

All the best....everyone
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Kevin Sayles was the Woodrup builder for many years and he would know! Lost touch with him recently as he has retired and may have moved away. However, one tale he tells is that he built the team frames for the Bantel pro team BITD, especially the ones branded 'Hugh Porter'. Around 10 - 12 years ago I asked Hugh who built his team frames but he was very secretive and wouldn't tell me - but the very next week Kevin mentioned it in an interweb post! Woodrups built frames for a lot of local shops (Bill Hargreaves, Mick Donovan are just two that I know) and there must be many more.

BTW, it's PETE Dunn not Steve 🙃
Kevin Sayles was the Woodrup builder for many years and he would know! Lost touch with him recently as he has retired and may have moved away. However, one tale he tells is that he built the team frames for the Bantel pro team BITD, especially the ones branded 'Hugh Porter'. Around 10 - 12 years ago I asked Hugh who built his team frames but he was very secretive and wouldn't tell me - but the very next week Kevin mentioned it in an interweb post! Woodrups built frames for a lot of local shops (Bill Hargreaves, Mick Donovan are just two that I know) and there must be many more.

BTW, it's PETE Dunn not Steve 🙃
They've acquired the Bob Jackson brand? Or what's left of their stock? Selling Bob Jackson mugs for sure 😁
Hello Ned

Thank your reply and the information. I did contact Woodrups and was informed that they did make framesets for Pete Dunn, sorry his son was Steve. It doesn't take much to confuse me these days.

I haven't received the frame yet but when I do I will be having a closer look at the BB for any info, it's covered in a thick coat of powder coat that is peeling off in some places. Apparently out for delivery today with Everi...oh dear.

I will be taking a closer look at Hargreaves and Donovan frames from now on.

All the best