Why so big love for thumbie, and little for gripshift.

FMJ":2gzhprcr said:
Neil":2gzhprcr said:
I think it's also the Seven Dwarves' (am I allowed to still call them that, these days?)
Yes. Just don't call them fat.
Do they get mad?

Better go get me some shin and insteps. Maybe a box in case they aim high.

Was that too much?

I'm probably going straight to hell, it's that devil on my shoulder thing again.
FMJ":2gzhprcr said:
And it's Dwarfs
Good eyes, Murphy - thought something was out of kilter with that post, turns out it's just the spelling...

Suprising what you can get away with sometimes.
FMJ":2gzhprcr said:
And a :facepalm: to all the people in this thread getting into a partisan froth over push bike parts.
I suspect there's some that will grind their teeth over the term "push bike", too, I have some popcorn on a 4 minute warning.
Grip shift wasn't so hot till they(Sram) bought out Sachs.

Didn't like the early Gripshifts atall. But everything since the Sachs buyout has been loads better.
Sachs Powershift Pros on the Dave Yates
Sachs Wavy on a 1X8 hack bike I use to go to the shops.
Sram Plasma 9 speed on the RC300
Sram X0 Gripshifts on the Stumpy FSR.

Can't fault any of them.
XT Thumbies on the 94 Stumpy
M950 and 953 STIs on the Parkpre and RC200
Mavic Wishbones on the Look.
And I liked the M770 rapidfires I had on the Stumpy too.

Can't fault any of these either.....

I guess I must just be open minded.... but statistically it looks as if I prefer gripshifts.
I'm a GripShift users, I like my SRT 500R & 600. Never bothered with 800 though I do have a set of each in a box. As they should have made in the normal black plastic.

Stick the metal springs in the SRT500R's and you have pretty much the SRT600 and a better click.

I do not like thumbies

I do not really like the early RapidFire and RapidFire+. Not until their redesign for the M737's (I think, for light action?) and I have them on my Kona and I must say they are completely different to the pants one on my M900 and similar styling.

Still I would spec GripShift 500/600* on my older Retro's. Even my Wife who doesn't ride a bike wanted me to get ride of the XC Pro's on here bike and put some of mine on as they are much nicer.

Never had any of the problems people up there say, using them as a grip is not a problem, no trouble with rotating bar grips.
Yes cable change is a pain but tit doesn't need changing very often.

I recently tried some 200's and they ARE pants, hard to use, don't index very well...

I here the newer version you can change cables with little effort and they are even better. But I have to admit the new RapidFire's are pretty good, which is probably why SRAM moved to them.
FluffyChicken":3w2p7rdx said:
Still I would spec GripShift 500/600* on my older Retro's. Even my Wife who doesn't ride a bike wanted me to get ride of the XC Pro's on here bike and put some of mine on as they are much nicer.
In-the-stylee-of-the-normal-predatory-retrobiker - you still got them and are you selling?

BTW that question is part humour, but a rather sinister awakening in me, has made me realise that there's just the bit of reality about it too...
I've never had any problems with gripshift. True, I've worn out the rubber covers on one set but they've done 17 years good service and mechanically they are fine. The rubber covers on the 6 spd SRT 200's on my commuter are 18 years old and still in good nick and working well :shock:
As with many mechanical parts on a bike, spend time on setting it up right and it will work fine. :D So I guess I'm a fan
Bought my 800 x rays as they came out, loved them

Broke them, had them replaced and got some free stickers

Sold the C16r they were on and used RF for my DH bike as they were more reliable

Got my 1st retro rig and in 2 weeks had a set of X-rays in place, with all the steep tracks round here they work perfectly, no ghost or mishifts and they just work.

I can take or leave but would use them on any rig with the exception of a GT or a DH bike
All my geared bikes since 1995 have had Gripshift.

My new project has esp 9.0sl r/mech 9.0 f/mech and 9.0sl shifters. Apart from rider error (2 torn out r/mechs) I've never had a single problem along the way.

al. :D
I liked the concept but didn't get on with the gripshift product and replacing the cable was a grade A pain. However I do like Shimanos revoshift which had easy cable replacement so the concept to me is still sound :D