Why Don't I like the 'good' bikes?

rumpfy":3m90hiqf said:
legrandefromage":3m90hiqf said:
If you think Retrobike is elitist and snobbish, that is a shame as it is no where near as up its own backside as:

http://CHiPs.com/people.php?PageAction= ... CHiPs.com/

You have to be invited to join. That says it all.

Those a$$holes.

"... the instant ELITISM became a dirty word among Americans, any potential for a high culture to develop in their country was tomahawked in its cradle."-TR

insert whatever country you happen to be in.

its become a crime to enjoy the high end in some places
lewis1641":1lsainz4 said:
i dont really think there is any elitism or snobbery on the site, just an inability to read comments properly sometimes.

there are some members who have vocal about what should and shouldnt be on the site but they dont go on someone's build thread saying its a load of tosh if it isnt up to scratch. there are forums where that does happen.

these members have only been vocal (from what i remember anyway) when asked.

Lewis, I could kiss you!
Reading some of the threads of late I'd say the cold weather, lack of sun light and potentially less riding has turned some retrobikers into grumpy old men...

Personally I'd rather read about what people like about their bikes and riding rather than what they don't like, but hey thats just me :cool:
hollister":xb97de5x said:
its become a crime to enjoy the high end in some places

I don't think that's the case on this site. It's just a bit of a shame that some of the site users who own high-end bikes seem to find the owners of the more common bikes somehow less valid.. I emphasised the word some, because fortunately it's a minority :)

Overall, though, I love the site. I've learned absolutely loads since I joined and I've managed to get my hands on one of the bikes that I used to dream about when I was younger, so I'm happy ;)
Back tg the original topic - I tend to stick to the adage that if I am willing to ride it without worrying about damaging it, then it's OK.

A lot of the really high end/one-off stuff is therefore not of interest to me.

But generally "brand" is not a deciding factor in my choices (says the bloke who has Hope and Pace on virtually every MTB he has.)
Barneyballbags":1tg4hjva said:
. It's just a bit of a shame that some of the site users who own high-end bikes seem to find the owners of the more common bikes somehow less valid.. I emphasised the word some, because fortunately it's a minority :)

I don't think a single person has ever expressed that opinion EVER on this site.

As Lewis said there are people (like me) who have expressed views on bad bikes (not cheap) and have expressed views on great bikes (not expensive) but no one has ever singled out an individual person and said they are less valid. You seem to be inventing your own incorrect assumption of peoples beliefs

Sure, bad & cheap and good & expensive are not necessarily mutually exclusive but don't fall into the belief that when people say bad they mean cheap. Sadly the OP seems to have fallen into this belief also.
There is certainly a division forming.

When this site first started, and in the first few years, this was a much cheaper hobby and top end bikes and parts were easier to find and afford. So you had a small membership with a range of bikes of a high level of quality.

As it has got bigger, prices have risen and there has been the obvious dilution: many have joined up with low and mid range bikes. The ecconomic downturn has not helped, but since when was mountain biking a cheap hobby?

There is nothing wrong with low and mid end bikes at all, as long as you appreciate that they are indeed low and mid range bikes. To say I would rather have a 94 Shonkhopper instead of a Fat is just bollocks. I bet if i offered to swap one of my Fats for a Shonkjumper my PM inbox would be full in minutes!

More often than not it is those with low/mid end stuff that create the friction- inverted snobbery as mentioned earlier. All this talk of 'Swinging dicks', 'cartwheeling through the amputee ward', 'seeing who can piss highest up the wall' is all coming from the have nots I notice.

It has almost become shameful to have a nice bike and proudly show it off. What good can come out of that? To then turn around and slag off people who start another site somewhere that continues the original ethos and maintains a high standard of bikes is just stupid and it is no surprise that they make it invitation only with that attitude. Let them do their own thing and good luck to them I say.

Lets just get back to enjoying bikes- cheap ones, expensive ones, old ones, new ones- just get out on the meets and ride the bastards. Its just a hobby for fecks sake.

post rant: One of the lads last night was riding a mint, late 80's, low end Fisher that he picked up locally for a tenner. It rode very well indeed and kept up with all the modern stuff all night. This is a broad church- please lets keep it that way.

Barneyballbags":qsgo1ubb said:
hollister":qsgo1ubb said:
its become a crime to enjoy the high end in some places

I don't think that's the case on this site. It's just a bit of a shame that some of the site users who own high-end bikes seem to find the owners of the more common bikes somehow less valid.. I emphasised the word some, because fortunately it's a minority :)

Overall, though, I love the site. I've learned absolutely loads since I joined and I've managed to get my hands on one of the bikes that I used to dream about when I was younger, so I'm happy ;)

Dont look at me, I've listed many forgotten and unloved tip finds from the mid range or lower, quite happy to be laughed at posting 'paper round' bikes - but not happy at the elitist/ snob label.